This audio is from the Conference on Media Reform in 2005. Keep in mind that both Van Jones and Lloyd worked for the Center for American Progress (John Podesta's group) as Senior Fellows (Jones has been re-hired since retiring as Green jobs Czar). One of Van Jones' many audio recordings that surfaced featured him advocating incrementalism because drastic change would not be accepted by the masses.
Lloyd seems to be advocating the same type of incrementalism with Affirmative Action. Instead of viewing Affirmative Action as something no longer needed or causing unintended consequences, Lloyd seeks to put more teeth in it. I mean, what could be more racist?
The most egregious quote from Lloyd may be this one:
"Who is going to step down so someone else can have power?"Tell you what, Mr. Lloyd. How about YOU step down and we replace you with someone who isn't so concerned about race and ideology?
It's also disgraceful, stereotypical, and racist that Lloyd pretends to know what all white people think when he says,
"There are few things more frightening in the American mind than dark-skinned black men."In a display of more incrementalism, Lloyd says that the
"Fairness Doctrine is not enough."Only a "progressive" could say that a retrograde and abolished policy didn't go far enough. Then he says that a policy without teeth cannot be fair.
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