Before I list the six Republicans who basically cleared the way for Sunstein's confirmation, if ever there was a legitimate reason for a filibuster it would seem that the constitutionality of czars in general would provide that reason. In particular, the views of Sunstein absolutely warrant an extremely high level of scrutiny and he should be subjected to a thorough vetting as his writings and words indicate that he is a staunch opponent of this countrys 1st and 2nd Amendments. On top of that, the guy may just be nuts. Take a look at his office (pictured).

A website called STOP SUNSTEIN has the most outlandish quotes from a man who apparently shares views similar to some who are right now in straight jackets.
"Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives …"Keep that quote in mind as you read this one..
"[Humans’] willingness to subject animals to unjustified suffering will be seen … as a form of unconscionable barbarity… morally akin to slavery and the mass extermination of human beings."What is the logical conclusion we should come to when you consider that Sunstein has also said that we should "ban hunting"?
Can you not envision a scenario in which Elmer Fudd shoots Bambi, whose family files a wrongful death lawsuit against Fudd while seeking monetary damages? Meanwhile, the state brings murder 1 charges against Elmer Fudd, who then faces Capital punishment.
As for the six senators that voted for cloture...
Sen. Robert Bennett (R-Utah), Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.), Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Ind.), Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine).It would have taken only four of those senators to vote against cloture to continue the filibuster. Based on Sunsteins extremely nutty views coupled with his wish to regulate communications on the internet, each one of those senators should be voted out of office based on what they did here.
Thanks for posting this info. I plan to send a donation to these 6 senators who voted for Sunstein.
Sorry! I worded that wrong. Please delete my previous post. I plan on sending a donation to whoever is running against these senators
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