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Tuesday, September 8, 2009


At the most recent hearing for Rifqa Bary on September 3rd it was learned that despite the judge's ruling that the findings of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) be sealed, the report allegedly finds no threat to Rifqa Bary from her parents. Some new evidence may force FDLE to rethink its findings.

JAWA REPORT has uncovered a Facebook Group consisting of 123 members that includes a blatant threat on Rifqa's life. Jawa also reports that both the FDLE and FBI have been notified (Screen shot to left).

On a somewhat different but very related note, Tom Trento of the Florida Security Council has started a website called the RIFQA BARY STORY. I've posted the video of Trento below.

The site also contains an extremely thorough and detailed report with countless references, photos, and document excerpts on the Mosque that Rifqa's parents attend, the Noor Islamic Center in Dublin, OH. If, as Robert Spencer reported during my interview with him, FDLE officials sat with the attorneys for Rifqa's parents and did in fact conclude that she is in no danger if returned to her parents, then what should clear minded individuals conclude after reading this STAGGERING EVIDENCE? Now we learn that the FBI has been notified and should be digging into the facts of this case as well.

While there are some disturbing behaviors being exhibited by both Florida and Ohio officials in this case, the reality is that Rifqa is still in Florida (at least until September 28th). There is still time for those officials to do the right thing and investigate further the facts in this case.

Also disturbingly strange is that the supposed real journalists who write for papers like the ORLANDO SENTINEL and the COLUMBUS DISPATCH aren't doing their due diligence. Bloggers, like ROBERT SPENCER, PAMELA GELLER, and TRENTO, are the ones doing the heavy lifting.

Florida Governor Charlie Crist is another one to watch. If he allows this young lady to be returned to Ohio despite all of the evidence that she is in danger, he will be responsible if anything does indeed happen to her. His challenger, Marco Rubio has already taken an interest in this case and has made a STRONG STATEMENT in defense of Rifqa.

Here is a short 2 minute video of Trento introducing the site.

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