The next important date for Rifqa is Thursday, September 3rd when there will be another hearing. Since the 21st, some very disturbing things about the mosque her parents attend have come to light.
WORLD NED DAILY is reporting on some claims made by Bary's Attorney, John Stemberger, that if true, should lead into an investigation over whether an American citizen is being prevented from exercising 1st Amendment rights.
According to exhibits submitted by the Department of Justice during a terrorism finance trial, the CEO of the Noor Center, Hany Saqr, has direct ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
"The Muslim Brotherhood of North America is an international organization which was responsible for birthing every Islamic terror organization in the world, including al-Qaida," Stemberger said. "So, when you think about al-Qaida, you can think that the Muslim Brotherhood is responsible for al-Qaida's existence."

Now that we have strong evidence that the CEO of the Noor Islamic Center has ties to a group once led by an ally of Hitler, how about Saqr's subordinate having ties to Hamas?
Saqr's subordinate, Ismail Elbarasse, was one of the top Hamas operatives in the country and had provided at least $735,000 to Hamas at that time. Saqr was also listed as a high-ranking Muslim Brotherhood official in a 1992 phone directory recovered from the home of a Hamas operative.Hamas has been designated a terrorist organization by the United States.
But wait! That's not all. How about an interesting connection between another Hamas operational leader, this Mosque, and Jeremiah Wright? Who on earth could that be?
Mousa Abu Marzook, another operational head of the Hamas terrorist organization that operated out of the U.S. placed numerous calls to Saqr's home.So a Hamas leader placed multiple calls to the CEO of the Noor Islamic Center. How does that tie back to Jeremiah Wright? While tangentially connected, isn't interesting that Wright placed a TERROR MANIFESTO written by Marzook in the Trinity United Church of Christ Newsletter on July 22, 2007? HERE'S MORE on Marzook, who also hangs with another Hamas leader named Khaled Meshaal who was expelled from Jordan and now is in Syria.
How about another upstanding gentleman with ties to the Noor Islamic Center? Sulah Sultan has actually been banned from the United States:
Stemberger also noted that Salah Sultan, a former Islamic scholar associated with the Noor Center whose family household is located only one mile from the Bary family's mosque, has been photographed with leaders who have been designated terrorists by the U.S. government.I'd say there are plenty of red flags when it comes to the intentions of Bary's parents and / or the Mosque they attend.
"Dr. Sultan has recently appeared on television inciting violence against Jews, and he has previously appeared at events in support of designated terrorist organizations while an active part of the Noor Center community," the memorandum states.
In a May 2006 appearance on the Al-Risala television network, the Middle East Media Research Institute revealed Sultan accused the U.S. government of playing a role in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and attempting to wage war against Islam. He also praised al-Qaida cleric and Osama bin Laden mentor Abdul Majid al-Zindani – a U.S.-designated global terrorist who recruited for al-Qaida training camps.

Concerned individuals may e-mail Florida Gov. Charlie Crist, fill out a contact form, call his office at (850)488-4441 or (850)488-7146 or fax (850)487-0801.
The Florida Department of Children and Families may be reached by calling (850)487-1111 or fax (850)922-2993.
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