I don't think I've ever seen an encapsulation of the left wing mentality in such a short clip (1 minute). In order to appreciate it, one needs to understand how long Fox News has been consistently and thoroughly pummeling MSNBC in the ratings. As far as news networks go, it hasn't been close for years.
Ah, therein lies the rub for Fox and the way to the top of the hill for Olbermann. According to the White House (via Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod), Fox News is not a news organization which therefore eliminates them from the pool of news networks competing for viewership.
Now the clip. MSNBC actually put together a promo that claims they're #1 because Fox is no longer eligible. What further proof does one need that the liberal mind can talk itself into anything?
As you watch, your take may be that the promo was made as a tongue-in-cheek dig at Fox. However, if that's your take, you don't understand how unhinged these people are. The longer this notion floats around, the more Olbermann will believe it. To illustrate, pay attention to Olbermann after the promo airs. While sporting his "We're #1" grin, he muses that while MSNBC is not going to air the promo on other programs, he doesn't undersand why.
This goes beyond the "Everyone gets a trophy" mindset. This involves starting a new league that doesn't allow the best players to compete so you can feel better about winning.
Just when I think Olbermann has lost all of his marbles, another one pops out of his head.
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h/t to HOT AIR
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