Nobody's been closer to what's going on in Honduras than Fausta, which is why this report, while unconfirmed, should be considered credible speculation. Earlier today, it was reported that ousted Honduran president, anti-semite, and Hugo Chavez stooge Manuel Zelaya may be returning to his former position as president.

FAUSTA'S BLOG is now reporting that Zelaya may actually be headed to Spain as part of the deal. If this is true, all of the cowards in the world who would otherwise do the right thing should read the Roberto Micheletti memoir whenever it comes out.
If this is true, it will have meant that the leader of a small country (Micheletti in Honduras) took on not only the Organization of the American States, the United Nations, and the United States AND DEFEATED them all.
Yes, it's early but if this ends up being true, it would be a MAJOR slap in the face to the Obama Administration and Hugo Chavez. Have no fear you Obamautomatons. Your leader is getting good as distancing himself from his own embarassments.
C Ya, Manny! Buh Bye now!
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