Obama is using our public school system to recruit for his Alinsky-inspired private army. Organizing for America is (and I quote) recruiting in our high schools to "build on the movement that elected President Obama by empowering students across the country to help us bring about our agenda" ............of national socialism.Corrupting the souls of men is evil. Corrupting the souls of children is the diabolical work of Satanists and atheists. Remember, Alinsky dedicated his book to Lucifer. The upside to this, if there is one, is that the Obama administration could be getting so desperate that they are beginning to overreach in new and despicable ways. Remember, Alinsky said to never stop going on offense. There are some inherent dangers in that strategy. If taken to extreme, it's like going for it on 4th down inside your own 20 yard line in the first half during a tie game. It doesn't make sense.
The Ohio High School is Perry Local in Massillon, Ohio.
This is incredible. And evil. Suffer the little children -- enlisted like SS youth. This is no accident. Obama is poisoning our public school system. He acts as if it's his own private breeding farm. Once again academic learning and achievement is hopelessly abandoned, and supplanted by radical leftist activism from the leftwing Alinsky indoctrinators in the perverse public school system.
Also, remember the NEA has Rules for Radicals as suggested reading as well.
h/t to Newsreal
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