The woman, Colleen R. LaRose, was charged with conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists, conspiracy to kill in a foreign country, making false statements to a government official and attempted identity theft, according to the indictment, unsealed Monday.Sounds like another international conspiracy, doesn't it? There's more on that, too. In addition to a Pennsylvanian woman - JihadJane - allegedly using the internet to plot the murder of a Swedish citizen, the Times of London reports that there are now seven arrests in Ireland that are tied to the case. All are Muslims and countries of origin vary.
Anti-terrorist units used information from the CIA, FBI and European intelligence agencies to identify the suspected terrorist cell of three women and four men. They are believed to include Algerian, Libyan, Croatian, US and Palestinian citizens and at least one naturalised Irish citizen.More on Jihad Jane from the Fox website:
The indictment accuses the American-born LaRose and her unindicted co-conspirators of using the Internet to establish relationships with one another and to communicate their plans, which included martyring themselves, soliciting funds for terrorists, soliciting passports and avoiding travel restrictions, through the collection of passports and through marriage, according to a government release.Last year, the DHS released a Right Wing Extremism report that was the source of quite a bit of controversy. Hillary Clinton was quoted as coining the term, "Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy" 1998. However, the conspiracies appear to becoming not only from the left and the Islamic enemies of America the right has been warning about but both Climategate and this alleged Islamic conspiracy to murder someone over a matter of free speech are International conspiracies by simple definition.
LaRose, who lives in Montgomery County, Pa., received a direct order to kill someone in Sweden, and to do so in a way that would frighten "the whole Kufar [non-believer] world," according to the indictment.
Glenn Beck, for all the good he does - more than most using the Television medium - is on record as saying that Geert Wilders is serving as a prime example of a resurgence of fascism in Europe as Wilders is sounding the alarm posed by the dangers of Islam. It remains to be seen how much attention Beck will devote to the case of Jihad Jane but based on his claims about Wilders, perhaps he should at least give it equal time.
Considering how eager the Mainstream Media appears to be when it comes to targeting conservatives, it wouldn't surprise me if they point to this conspiracy as one rooted in right wing extremism - if they don't ignore the story entirely.
Here is more.
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