He was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and one time leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, a militant Islamic group formed in 1928 after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. His name was Amin al-Husseini and there are countless photos of him meeting with Adolf Hitler during WWII. You can even read the minutes from a meeting between Hitler and Husseini on November 28th, 1941.

Once Germany had forced open the road to Iran and Iraq through Rostov; it would be also the beginning of the end of the British World Empire. He (the Fuhrer) hoped that the coming year would make it possible for Germany to thrust open the Caucasian gate to the Middle East. For the good of their common cause, it would be better if the Arab proclamation were put off for a few more months than if Germany were to create difficulties for herself without being able thereby to help the Arabs.Now, courtesy of Michael Ledeen at Pajamas Media, we learn that as part of the construction being undertaken by the Israelis in Jerusalem, the apartment where Husseini lived after WWII is targeted for demolition and the Muslim community seems to have a problem with it.
Click here to see Ledeen's report.
In that video, Ledeen references a Washington Post article written by Glenn Kessler that makes reference to this particular controversy involving the Shepherd Hotel (pictured), the place Husseini stayed.
The United States had previously objected to the project, which would be built on the site of the Shepherd Hotel, the former home of the late Haj Amin Husseini, a former mufti, or Islamic law scholar, of Jerusalem. It is now owned by Florida developer Irving Moskovitz.Try imagining the outcry from any civilized society if anyone objected to the demolition of a home once occupied by Hitler. Concern for the preservation of an apartment in which Amin al-Husseini once lived is no different and no less despicable.

Born in Bethlehem of Judea, Walid's grandfather was the Muslim Mukhtar (chieftain) of Beit Sahour-Bethlehem (The Shepherd's Fields) and a friend of Haj-Ameen Al-Husseni, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and notorious friend of Adolf Hitler.It would seem logical that people like Shoebat are the ones Americans should start listening to with much greater frequency if they are to have any hope of identifying the enemies who want to destroy us.
Walid's great grandfather, Abdullah Ali Awad-Allah, was also a fighter and close associate of both Abdul Qader and Haj Amin Al-Husseini, who led the Palestinians against Israel. Walid lived through and witnessed Israel’s Six Day War while living in Jericho.
h/t to PJTV
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