To this point, the OPR has been apparently led by a bunch of foot-draggers. The good news is that Fine has decided to assert his office's authority by investigating how the Voting RIghts section of the Civil RIghts division within the DOJ enforced the laws. This would be a huge turn of events because it's at the heart of the argument of J. Christian Adams, the trial attorney who resigned over this.
Via Michelle Malkin: Here is Part 1 of the letter; click on the image to enlarge.

As we all know, the Obama administration has demonstrated outright contempt for Inspectors General; Gerald Walpin comes to mind first but as Malkin reminds us, there are many other examples.
Another interesting angle to this story may involve the not-so-subtle hint from J. Christian Adams in an interview with Megyn Kelly at Fox News earlier this year, that Assistant Attorney General in charge of the Civil RIghts division, Thomas Perez may have given provably false testimony - under oath - to the U.S. commission on civil rights. Making that web even more tangled is that Perez is the man leading the lawsuit against Maricopa county sheriff Joe Arpaio in Arizona.
As this OIG investigation unfolds, it will be interesting to see if reports that the voting rights section was informed by Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandes never to bring a case against a black, are substantiated. If that's found to be the case, great political damage could reach Perez.
More at Michelle Malkin
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