Via Gateway Pundit links to an article in the Southeast Missourian, which has more details on the Cleaver / Mickens relationship:
Proposed by a gentleman named Lamar Mickens, president of the not-for-profit Quality Day Campus, the $48 billion earmark would funnel money into the inner cities to give money to the poor and thereby produce a much larger consumer class to buy the goods and services produced in this country.Imagine going out to your mailbox one day and finding a $48 Billion check made out to you from the American taxpayers with a note on the 'memo' line that says: For Inner City Development.
Just call this redistribution on steroids.
Cleaver's office says this of the proposal:
"The Epicenter is a proposed estimated $48 billion (Phase One) mass scale urban reclamation project for combating, reducing, reversing and/or eliminating poverty within under served communities by utilizing mass scale economic redevelopment to bring about stability and self reliance.
Insanity is abundant.
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