So who approved the Jumbotron telling people to applaud? As days go by, this Memorial is looking to be as tasteless as the Wellstone Memorial.
UPDATE: Commenter Colleen makes a fair point below, saying the word 'Applause' that appeared on the Jumbotron was actually a closed-caption description of what was happening. I will concede this point until proven otherwise since accusing the administration or the university of calling for applause must include all facts that they did so. That said, what we know for sure did NOT appear on the Jumbotron after this were the words, 'Please No Applause' because Obama never uttered them.
Via Gateway Pundit.

Ever hear of "live closed captioning". Some neo-cons, and being conservative myself I do not use this term lightly, will pick at anything at this point!
Fair point. Had there not been so many disturbing aspects to the handling of the memorial, this would have been a non-issue.
Perhaps a Jumbotron message that said, "Please NO applause" would have been more appropriate.
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