The people of Honduras are pleading for media fairness and understanding of how they saved their democratic system of government from an international conspiracy based in Venezuela and Cuba. In desperate messages to the outside world, Hondurans want America to know they do not want former President Manuel "Mel" Zelaya returned to power through the intervention of the United States and the United Nations.
On Tuesday the leftist governments of Barack Obama and Hugo Chavez sponsored a United Nations resolution that condemned the people of Honduras for resisting the spread of communism by evicting a would-be dictator. Many people in Honduras view "Mel" as a puppet of Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, who is destroying the democratic system and the opposition in that country.
Read the entire article....
The media bias on this issue just might trump "THE THRILL" that shot up Chris Matthews' leg after hearing Obama speak. The real issue in Honduras relative to Zelaya's ouster is not even being referenced by the "MainStreamMedia".
If Kincaid is right, Obama is not just appeasing communist dictators - he's aligning with them.
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