The key to winning a debate is to take the strongest argument / view held by the opposition and totally discredit or rebut it with facts and persuasive arguments of your own. Bill Burton doesn't even come close to that in this video exchange with Juan Williams (h/t to hot air).
Again, the Obama administration is digging in its heels over a position that doesn't even address the most fundamental issue in the ouster of Honduras' president Manuel Zelaya, which was Zelaya's blatant rejection of his country's constitution by attempting to force his forbidden re-election down the throats of his people with an illegal referendum.
Teaming up to remove Zelaya was his country's Supreme Court, its Legislative Branch, and its military. Yet all these whack job spokesmen like Bill Burton want to talk about is restoration of a democracy that would cease being such if the Obama administration has its way.
A democratically elected president who proceeds to shred his country's constitution in order to assume additional powers not granted by that constitution is no longer presiding over a democracy. Instead, he has made himself a dictator. When branches within that government remove said president in order to protect that constitution, is it really a coup, Mr. Burton?
HEY BILLY, Democracies like the ones you claim to champion necessarily include a president that abides by the law as set forth in his country's constitution!
Instead, Burton (as Obama's mouthpiece) chooses to ignore an inconvenient fact he absolutely cannot rebut and instead focuses on Zelaya being ripped from his home while wearing nothing but his pajamas (awwwww). Nor does he address the charges that Zelaya is little more than a Hugo Chavez puppet who enjoys friendly alliances with the Castro brothers and Daniel Ortega.
Bill Burton almost makes Gibbs look like a boy scout by comparison. In fact, Burton spins arguments that are so ponderous, I'll bet James Carville rolls his eyes at them. Burton is so shameless that he reminds me of that clowny spokesman for ACORN (oh, I'm sorry - Community Organizations International).
Remember this lizard?

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