How on earth can anyone call the equating of animals with humans a "progressive" idea? Uh, sounds a little like a "retrograde" idea to me.
Aaron Klein at WORLD NET DAILY has a story about how Sunstein appears to revere the views of an 19th century writer named Jeremy Bentham, who is considered an animal rights pioneer. Check out this written quote from Sunstein in 2002:
"I suggest that Bentham and Mill were not wrong to offer an analogy between current uses of animals and human slavery,"What's next, Cass? Reparations paid to all dogs because of people like me who have canines we keep penned in our back yard when they're not inside enjoying the air conditioning, good treatment, warm beds, clean water and food? I know they enjoy such things because they have this ability of communicating by wagging their tails.

Question: If God worked out of an office, do you think it might be a little bit more organized than this? My dog is more organized than Sunstein appears to be so maybe he does have a point. I've seen neater chicken coops. I wonder if the person on the other end of the phone is asking Cass if he remembers ever getting the TPS Report Memo.
2And the fear of you and the dread and terror of you shall be upon every beast of the land, every bird of the air, all that creeps upon the ground, and upon all the fish of the sea; they are delivered into your hand.Sunstein's personal views and beliefs on spiritual matters notwithstanding (I don't know what they are) I simply find no way to reconcile the views expressed by Cass with the first book in Scripture without finding Sunstein in opposition to the Judeo-Christian God, Yahweh's teachings or on record as discarding the notion of Him altogether. I'd love to know his thoughts on that.
3Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you; and as I gave you the green vegetables and plants, I give you everything.
Be sure to read Klein's ENTIRE ARTICLE.
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