NOTE: Be sure to watch both videos posted here. First, a steady camera from one block away catches the 2nd plane slamming into the WTC tower on 9/11/01. It's a front row seat with no shaking cameraman because it was setup on a balcony to capture the aftermath of the first attack.
Want some truth?
Contrast that with the initiative sponsored by Barack Obama - the 9/11 Day of Service and Remembrance. The premise is that the best way to remember 9/11 is to perform some good deed on that day. There are a series of videos on the DAY OF SERVICE website that only serve to make people feel guilty for not "volunteering" to engage in some altruistic act.
Take note that the underlying theme consists of what's not acknowledged. In particular, those who attacked us are still plotting to do so on an even more massive scale as this group ends up putting a pleasant face on our enemies by not focusing on who they are or what they did but rather on how the evil they perpetrated caused the American people to unite.
Think of the implications of this nutty idea. Instead of using 9/11 as a day of remembrance to steele our resolve to defeat Islamic extremism, the American people are encouraged to do some good deed in remembrance of how united we were without including the reasons for the unity (the left loves to manufacture truth while eliminating critical variables). Are those who don't play along supposed to feel guilty and alienated?
Instead of making our enemies feel the pressure of a united people, we're again turning inward against each other. Not only did we err significantly after 9/11 by declaring war on a tactic instead of an actual enemy but our current president has even taken that tactic (terror) off of our enemies list.
If you thought the exploitation of Ted Kennedy's death to push Obamacare was pathetic, exploiting the evil perpetrated on 9/11 to push people into service instead of uniting us against a very real threat to our way of life is beyond the pale.
This administration has developed the reputation of being masters at misdirection and distraction. Making 9/11 a Day of Service while claiming there's no more war on terror is quintessential misdirection.
Oh, check out the introductory video on 9/11 Day of Service website. Note the music in the background. It is a song by Jack Johnson called, "Where'd all the Good People Go". In addition to the music being totally out of place, the message in it implies that if you don't play ball with the Day of Service notion, you're not good.
It doesn't get anymore shameful:
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
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