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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

UPDATE on Alleged Michelle Obama Tapes

Looks like African Press Int'l has found an atty in the United States to clear a path for the release of the alleged Michelle Obama interview tapes (according to their website).. API reported Mrs. Obama went on a racism-laden rant during a phone interview they allegedly recorded. They have released the transcript of the interview they insist took place but as of now, not the tapes.

Philip Berg, staunch Clinton supporter and the same attorney who is suing to have Obama produce his birth certificate is API's attorney contact in the United States (see link below).

Did I mention Berg is a "Clinton supporter"?? This is not a right-wing attack... Just to clear that up. Then again, until the tapes are made available, this is all speculation with API's credibility at stake.

P.S. If the tapes do come out and are true, will MSNBC report on it or just step up the attacks on Joe the Plumber? They are already ignoring the fact that Obama officed with Bill Ayers for THREE YEARS and gave Ayers' book a stunningly great review.

"Quick! Assassinate Joe's character by reporting there's an $1100 tax lein on him!!"
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