I'm not really sure what to make of this after reading the story. Rep. Patrick Kennedy (son of the late Ted Kennedy) was told by Bishop Thomas Tobin in February, 2007 that he would not be served communion, presumably because of Kennedy's stance on abortion. Most recently, Kennedy supported a provision in the healthcare bill that would allow federal funding of abortion.
What's confusing is that Kennedy apparently decided to go public with what most would perceive as an embarrassing predicament best left private, especially for a politician.
CNN reported:
Kennedy opposed a provision that restricted the use of federal money for abortions, but voted in favor of final passage of the bill that included that language.
In an interview published Sunday, he told the Providence Journal that Tobin had barred him from receiving Communion and instructed priests in the diocese not to administer the sacrament "because of the positions that I've taken as a public official."
In his statement, issued in response to the Kennedy interview, Tobin said his advice to the congressman was "pastoral and confidential," and he was surprised that Kennedy chose to discuss it publicly.
"I am disappointed that the congressman would make public my request of nearly three years ago that sought to provide solely for his spiritual well-being," he said.
So why would Kennedy go public with this? I'm sure there are possibilities I'm not thinking of but I can't help but wonder if this was a conscious effort by Kennedy to make life uncomfortable for the Bishop and by extension, the church.
That said, I hope Tobin stands strongly behind his decision, especially if Kennedy is attempting some form of vicarious intimidation. The community orgs are usually all too willing to bully people.