The good news might just be that the left is truly unmasking itself with this event. The August 28th rally at the Lincoln Memorial definitely got under the skin of the freedom-haters. Rarely do you see these groups openly aligning with each other. It's definitely not their preferred course of action because it exposes their deceitful agenda(s). They usually prefer to operate separately. The event scheduled for October 2nd in Washington, D.C. seems to indicate they're pulling out all the stops to match Beck's rally.
Cliff Kincaid has more at
USA Survival: Michael McPhearson, one of the key organizers of the event and former executive director of Veterans for Peace, tells us, “I’m not all that concerned if you’re a Republican, Democrat, or Marxist or Communist whatever,” he said. “I just want us to work together to make our country better. That’s what I look at – not if you’re a socialist.”
Questioned on the involvement of communist groups, McPhearson shot back, “What is radical? We are trying to bring everybody together under one tent. In the United States everybody has a voice and speaks their opinion.” He said the Tea Party has its own share of controversial people.
Hmmmm. The Tea Party makes no bones about who it allows within its ranks. Socialists, Communists, Marxists, and racists are all out. The overwhelming majority of people at Tea Parties engaged in racist behavior are infiltraitors sympathetic to causes like that of McPhearson. He's "not concerned" if attendees are "communist."
That should be obvious when you take a look at the groups and individuals scheduled to be in attendance.
In addition to USAction, the official “partners” of the October 2 rally include the AFL-CIO, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), National Council of La Raza, the Campus Progress affiliate of the Center for American Progress, Green for All (the Van Jones group), the American Federation of Teachers, Pax Christi, Rainbow Push, Color of Change, United for Peace and Justice, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, AFSCME, Queers for Economic Justice, and ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism).
One of the leaders of the event identifies herself as a "Democratic strategist" and was the CEO for the 2008 Democratic National Convention:
The “national campaign manager” of the October 2 demonstration is Reverend Leah Daughtry, described on her web site as is “a nationally recognized teacher, preacher, speaker, organizer, leader, and Democratic strategist.” Her work for the Democratic Party includes serving as Chief Executive Officer of the 2008 Democratic National Convention Committee and Chief of Staff of the Democratic National Committee.
I think it's quite safe to say that the Democratic Party has officially been eaten by enemies of our Constitutional Republic.
Read it all.