Now this.
Jerome Corsi at WND is reporting that a reliable source very close to the Netanyahu government has made the claim that Brennan is the White House contact for the Free Gaza Movement - the group that organized the Memorial Day flotilla against the Israeli blockade of Gaza - and may have been in contact with that group during the organization phase.
The allegation raises the bizarre possibility that the Free Gaza Movement's flotilla action in the Mediterranean was being coordinated with the White House, something that would align with a shift in U.S. policy toward Israel being debated within the Obama administration.Does anyone feel comfortable believe anything the White House says these days? They've actually gotten to the point of lying so often, all you have to do is believe the opposite and you've got better odds of getting to the truth.
Mike Hammer, a National Security Council spokesman, told WND flatly the report "is not true."
In any event, if these claims about Brennan are true and he was aware of the the flotilla before it took place, consider a few things in the context of the Joe Sestak scandal.
1.) On Friday, May 28th - the day before a three-day Memorial Day weekend, the White House performs a document dump in an attempt to bury the memo released by White House Counsel Robert Bauer that identified Bill Clinton as the man who approached Joe Sestak about a position in the Obama administration if he dropped out of his Senate race with Arlen Specter.
2.) On Monday, May 31st - Memorial Day - the day before the Sestak scandal was sure to be on the front pages, the Free Gaza Movement flotilla does its thing, attempting to break the Israeli blockade; a new lead story trumps the Sestak scandal.
3.) The Free Gaza Movement has ties with Obama friends and allies, Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Jodie Evans of Code Pink.
Implying or insinuating that the White House may have done something untoward would be a stretch based on the aforementioned three bullet points alone. However, if Corsi's claims are accurate, they are no such thing.
Read Corsi's entire article.