It's also very real. While Blackwell doesn't identify it as such when he juxtaposes Gen. Jerry Boykin's treatment in the media with that of Nidal Malik Hasan, the implication is clear; Boykin is an easy target because he's no threat. Conversely, Hasan and other militant Islamists are actual threats media types like NPR's Nina Totenberg don't want to confront.
It's really both disgraceful and obvious what's going on. Via the American Spectator:
Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin knows something about political correctness in the military. Gen. Boykin, a highly-decorated combat veteran was dragged through the mill by the liberal media back in 2003 for expressing his Christian beliefs in Christian churches. They charged the general was calling for a Christian crusade against the Muslims.The hero is spat upon by those he attempts to save while the villains are glorified by the countless, shameless, and cowardly knaves.
"I hope he's not long for this world," said NPR's Nina Totenberg on WUSA's Inside Washington TV talk show. When fellow panelists, mostly liberals, protested, asking whether Totenberg really wanted to issue a fatwa on the offending general, she quickly backtracked. She said: "in his job, in his job, please, please, in his job." Well, that's reassuring. Totenberg only wanted the heroic general fired. She wanted him removed from any role in directing the war on terror. She didn't want him beheaded.
Major TV networks denounced Gen. Boykin as a "Holy Warrior." They ridiculed his Evangelical Christian faith on prime-time television.
Compare that treatment with what we see in the treatment of Nidal Hasan. This man yelled "Allahu Akbar" (Arabic for "God is great!") even as he squeezed the trigger in the worst case of terrorism here since September 11th. Yet, the media is very hesitant to demand accountability of the military brass. Army Chief of Staff General Casey made the rounds of TV talk shows the first Sunday after Hasan's shootings. He said it would be "a tragedy" if the Army's diversity was a casualty of the Fort Hood murders.
Read it all.