Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Video Awesomeness: Freshman Congressman Joe Walsh Rips Obama on CNN

Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) is a freshman member of Congress and he appeared on CNN's show 'In the Arena' with Eilot Sptizer. The exchange is at its best very early on when Walsh's assertion that Obama 'acted like a 10 year-old' during the president's recent news conference elicits a facial expression from Spitzer that is definitely worth watching. Spitzer then figuratively cleans out his ears before asking Walsh to clarify the comment about Obama behaving like a pre-pubescent adolescent. Walsh doesn't blink and then for more than another minute, continues to rail on Obama as Spitzer looks like a deer in the headlights.

BAM! Walsh nails it.

H/t to Freedoms Lighthouse via CNN:

Hillary Still Lovin' that 'Arab Spring' Idea

It's public record that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton fully endorses the Libyan (Muslim Brotherhood) rebels in their efforts to topple Muammar Gadhafi. Now we have her telling the world that the United States is open to dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Is it really so difficult to see what the removal of Gadhafi will lead to? The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt is rapidly gaining power and it will do the same in Libya if the rebels win. That's not stopping Hillary from giving them her endorsement.

Via CNN:
(CNN) -- The Obama administration is open to dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Thursday about the Islamist group.

"We believe, given the changing political landscape in Egypt, that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to nonviolence, that intend to compete for the parliament and the presidency," she told reporters in Budapest, Hungary. "And we welcome, therefore, dialogue with those Muslim Brotherhood members who wish to talk with us."

But, she added, any such contacts "will continue to emphasize the importance of and support for democratic principles, and especially a commitment to nonviolence, respect for minority rights, and the full inclusion of women in any democracy. You cannot leave out half the population and claim that you are committed to democracy."

She added that the policy is not a new one and that the Obama administration has had "limited contacts" with the group.
It doesn't end there. While speaking in Lithuania, Clinton took the side of the Muslim Brotherhood-backed uprisings in Syria. Via POLITICO:
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday repeated her call for Syria to adopt democratic reforms as she pushed President Bashar al-Assad to do more than simply talk with a rival political group.

"We know what they have to do," Clinton told reporters in Lithuania, the AP reports. "They must begin a genuine transition to democracy and allowing one meeting of the opposition in Damascus is not sufficient action toward achieving that goal."
This is not a matter of taking the side of Gadhafi and Bashar al-Assad, as Clinton suggested when she indignantly chided Congress last week when she said, 'Whose side are you on?' It's about what will replace them. There are forces at work that want a Muslim Brotherhood to unite all of these nations, which would make them exponentially more powerful under one banner.

Remember, Hillary's closest aide for years has been a woman - Huma Abedin - with incredibly suspicious familial ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

More on that HERE and HERE.

Confirmed: More Weapons from Project Gunrunner Showing up at Crime Scenes

Well done news report from ABC's local affiliate in Phoenix. As has been predicted by the ATF whistleblowers, guns allowed to 'walk' by the ATF are turning up at crime scenes on 'both sides of the border.' In this news report, it's confirmed that these guns are turning up at crime scenes in Arizona, to include suburban neighborhoods. Shockingly, the strategy on the part of the Democrat establishment - to include liberal media outlets like the Washington Post, POLITICO, and others - appears to be one of doubling down. More on that after the video:

From ABC 15 in Phoenix via Jawa:

As mentioned, the strategy on the part of the Democrats appears to be full-steam ahead with what the original plan behind Operation Fast and Furious likely was to begin with - tighter gun control laws. The problem here is that the ATF has been exposed as having been the entity that mandated law-breaking.

The lawmakers praised Rep. Elijah Cummings, the top Democrat on the Oversight committee, for broadening the inquiry into Fast and Furious to include a look at American gun laws. The Maryland Democrat released a report early Thursday titled “Outgunned,” that details how ATF agents say gun laws need to be tightened for them to fight organized crime along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“These reforms are essential to help law enforcement to stop guns from getting into the hands of the world’s most dangerous criminals,” Cummings said in his opening remarks. “Prosecutors and law enforcement agents should not have to bend over backward to imprison those who provide military-grade weapons to murderers.”

At a previous hearing, Cummings pushed for a look at how American gun laws could be fueling the violence. He hosted a forum Thursday morning with several law enforcement officials and gun control advocates, including the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

The slate of witnesses on Thursday was friendly to the Democrats’ cause, forcefully advocating for changes to the nation’s gun statutes.
This is like having your hand caught in the cookie jar while simultaneously pointing the other hand at someone else while saying we need to lock the jar. Despite the fact that - as illustrated in the report above - the guns that are showing up at crime scenes were put there specifically by the ATF, not law-abiding gun rights advocates. Yet, Oversight Committee ranking member Elijah Cummings wants to ignore the ATF's role.

Partisanship on steroids.

HERE is a copy of the report put out by the minority party on the House Oversight committee.

h/t Sipsey Street
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