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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

DHS's reason for buying so much Ammunition doesn't square with Obama's words

When Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) wrote to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano, demanding to know why DHS is buying such tremendous amounts of ammunition, a DHS Assistant Secretary wrote back, in part, the following:
"DHS routinely establishes strategic sourcing contracts that combine the requirements of all its Components for commonly purchased goods and services such as ammunition, computer equipment and information technology services.  These strategic sourcing contracts help leverage the purchasing power of DHS to efficiently procure equipment and supplies at significantly lower costs."
Once you get past the absurd notion that the federal government has a frugal bone in its collectively bureaucratic body, you know this excerpt from an Obama campaign speech in 2008 makes far more sense:

h/t CNS News

What if Fast and Furious guns used in murders of Prosecutors?

After Jared Loughner shot Gabrielle Giffords along with several others in a Tucson parking lot, there was grave concern among ATF agents that a Fast and Furious gun may have been used. It wasn't but now that we're seeing the shooting deaths elected officials (a prison chief in Colorado and two prosecutors in Texas), there is certainly no doubt that similar fears are rearing their heads about weapons from that ATF operation being involved.

An ABC News report on the murders is below. Though Fast and Furious is not mentioned, drug trafficking is. While there is a narrative setting in that the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas (ABT) is suspected of being involved, Mexican drug cartels are certainly a possibility as well. We also know that hundreds - if not thousands - of Fast and Furious weapons have still not been recovered.

Another red flag for those suspicious of getting the truth about what is happening is that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is being viewed as a source of expertise - in both the news report below and other places. This group is extremely far left and has an agenda that does not usually involve getting to the truth.

h/t Freedom's Lighthouse:

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