The Barack Obama Truth Squad is going to have to start pulling double shifts because they're starting to lose high school students who are actually thinking for themselves. This argument started when the subject of the Washington Post's hit piece on Mitt Romney bullying someone in high school came up in a classroom at Rowan-Saulisbury high school in North Carolina.
The Teacher (a black female) can be heard defending Obama when a student makes reference to the president's audio book in which he describes bullying a young girl. The teacher went off and decided to hold on to her completely illogical argument. Basically, the student had no right - according to the teacher - to question Obama's past bullying compared to Romney's because, well, Obama is president and Romney isn't.
Listen to a high school teacher get 'schooled' by her students...
Via Breitbart:
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Washington Times: Hillary will be Obama's 2012 VP
Are you ready for two Alinsky-ites in the White House? If Joseph Curl is right - and he seems more than just a little confident - Hillary Clinton is poised to unseat Joe "Gay Marriage gaffe" Biden as Obama's running mate come November.
Via Washington Times:
This would not surprise me in the least.
h/t Free Republic
Via Washington Times:
Show of hands: Who here still thinks Vice President Joseph R. Biden will be on the 2012 ticket?Let's face it. The Republican Party has muscled through a John McCain redux candidate who is tone deaf to when it comes to picking an energizing conservative as his running mate. Romney is likely to pick a "Mini-Mitt" at a time when Curl says Obama is ready to pick the Democrats' Sarah Palin.
Really? All of you? So wrong. The Great One, Sir Barack Hussein Obama, will replace the bumbling, buffoonish Mr. Biden with Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, maybe at the Democratic convention, maybe just before, in a last-ditch effort to win re-election.
The wild and crazy move is all the talk outside the Beltway. One state Democratic leader even tells me the bumper stickers are already printed, sitting in a warehouse in (where else?) Little Rock, Ark. Another party bigwig says she is “99.9 percent sure” the increasingly desperate president planned the whole thing from the beginning. (“C’mon, Hill, be Secretary of State for one term and I’ll make you veep the next!”)
Step back a minute: What does the president get from keeping Punxsutawney Putz on the ticket? Zippy the chimp. But if he bails on Mr. Biden, picks a woman — bam, base enthusiasm goes through the roof, women come out of the woodwork to vote (for Mrs. Clinton, not for Mr. Obama), and it’s 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. for another four years. (Plus, Joe becomes Secretary of State, because, really now, he wouldn’t know what to do if he wasn’t living off the government teat, would he?)
Back to the president’s desperation. As The Washington Times laid out last week, Mr. Obama’s re-election is no lock. “Many models show President Obama with a likely base of 252 electoral votes out of the 270 needed to win,” the paper said. Nice lead. He’s got a hold of the West Coast, the Northeast minus New Hampshire, plus most likely Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada and Hawaii (although some of those are still considered in play).
This would not surprise me in the least.
h/t Free Republic
Proof Mormonism will be on the table; Socialist Axelrod says it won't be
Leftists are such consistent liars that they actually tell you the truth. All you have to do is believe the exact opposite of what they say. The latest example comes from Obama senior adviser David Axelrod, who says Mormonism will be 'off the table.' Bet the other way and you have a winner.
Via the National Journal:
Actually, you don't even need to wait to see how this one plays out. Axelrod is already lying. As a propaganda arm of the White House, MSNBC has already gone after Mormonism multiple times.
Liberals = Liars
Axelrod = Liberal
Axelrod = Liar
Via Daily Caller:
h/t Hot Air
Via the National Journal:
As religion becomes an ever-more significant issue on the campaign trail, Mitt Romney's Mormonism will be off-limits as a subject for the opposition, Obama campaign advisor David Axelrod said on Sunday.Lest we forget that it was Mr. Axelrod who inadvertently tweeted a story about how Mormon churches prevented menstruating women from participating in proxy baptisms to all of his followers. That tweet was quickly deleted.
"We've said that's not fair game," he said on CNN's State of the Union. When asked whether the campaign "repudiate[s] the idea that Mormonism should be on the table" this election season, Axelrod insisted: "absolutely."
He added, however, that Romney should to come out stronger against attacks on Obama's former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. A recent GOP ad proposal unearthed by the New York Times that aimed to focus in on Obama's relationship with the pastor brought the racially-charged issue to the forefront of the campaign this week. While Romney repudiated the ad, Axelrod and he wasn't vehement enough in his disapproval.
Actually, you don't even need to wait to see how this one plays out. Axelrod is already lying. As a propaganda arm of the White House, MSNBC has already gone after Mormonism multiple times.
Liberals = Liars
Axelrod = Liberal
Axelrod = Liar
Via Daily Caller:
h/t Hot Air
Video: CBN's Erik Stakelbeck gives College Students the spankings they didn't get as children
There's something ironically creepy about leftists taping their own mouths shut in the name of free speech but that's what they do; they're leftists. CBN's Erik Stakelbeck was speaking at the University of Portland and the pro-Palestinian crowd had their mouths taped shut with various messages on the tape. However, when they decided to walk out like a pack of lemmings, Stakelbeck's pleas for someone to debate him fell on deaf ears (perhaps stuffed with tape).
At the end of this first clip, one woman finally answers the cameraman after several attempts to get the protesters to respond. When asked why she wouldn't debate Stakelbeck, she said, "because we don't debate racists."
Children in adult bodies...
Via Fox Nation:
In Part 2, you will see the pro-Palestinian lemmings gather in their own echo chamber...
At the end of this first clip, one woman finally answers the cameraman after several attempts to get the protesters to respond. When asked why she wouldn't debate Stakelbeck, she said, "because we don't debate racists."
Children in adult bodies...
Via Fox Nation:
In Part 2, you will see the pro-Palestinian lemmings gather in their own echo chamber...
Busted: Lesbians charged with painting threats on their own Garage
There is a reason why police in Colorado decided to arrest the two lesbians who claim someone spray painted, 'Kill the Gay' (I think the painters ran out of room for the 's') on their garage door. Primarily, because when things like this happen, the crime is very often committed by those who claim to be victims; we see it at OWS all the time. There was also a rash of such behavior back in 2009, which you can check out here.
These are bizarre traits in the left wing mind. When I had an apartment in Florida, a mixed-race couple (woman black, man white) called the local news and police out to their place because 'Ni***r lover' was spray painted on their front door. It didn't take long to determine who did it - the residents.
Anyway, in this case, both lesbians were arrested and refused to submit to lie detector tests. They also had their hands scanned for spray paint residue.
Via ABC:
h/t GWP
These are bizarre traits in the left wing mind. When I had an apartment in Florida, a mixed-race couple (woman black, man white) called the local news and police out to their place because 'Ni***r lover' was spray painted on their front door. It didn't take long to determine who did it - the residents.
Anyway, in this case, both lesbians were arrested and refused to submit to lie detector tests. They also had their hands scanned for spray paint residue.
Via ABC:
h/t GWP
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