Via News Flavor:
Ulsterman: Back to 2008…the campaign. You want to talk about the campaign. Why?The entire interview is definitely worth the read. WHI points to David Plouffe as the person to come up with the strategy of using the media to announce Obama's use of Secret Service much earlier than any previous candidate in the past to exploit white guilt; the Obama campaign told the media they wanted to go against McCain in the general and it happened.
Insider: Not so much the campaign, but the media’s role. The media – what I saw happen around me with the media. Never seen anything like it before. It was great…at the time it was great. Made all our jobs a helluva lot easier, right? We would literally give the media a script and they would follow it. It would come from on high down to me and all the others who were doing the same thing I was, and then I just passed it along to this reporter or this news producer or whatever and watch them repeat it. They just took it and ran with it over and over again – no questions asked.
Ulsterman: You hinted at that in our very first interview. Something along the lines of showing favoritism to certain media – allowing them access to Obama for supportive reporting.
Insider: Yeah – yeah that was part of it. But there was more of that at the beginning, the very beginning, and then we didn’t even have to do that anymore. There came a time, I don’t know exactly when, it just kind of evolved I guess, when basically, the media was coming to us saying how can we help? What can we do for you? Not literally saying it, but…you know, the meaning was easy enough to pick up on. I would come into a city – they know I’m with the campaign, and they would literally kiss my ass. I mean kiss my –expletive- ass. It was all very much “what can we do for Obama?” That was all they seemed to care about – helping Barack Obama. I was there 24 or 48 hours ahead of the Senator, or the First Lady, or somebody else high up in the campaign, and literally able to tell these people what to say, how to report on the arrival – I mean create the image from the ground up before any of them had arrived. I have never seen anything like it. Never – no candidate has ever been given such favoritism by the media. Like I said, at the time it was fantastic. I was in the entourage of a –expletive- political god. Looking back now…it was, it was…not right. It wasn’t right. A campaign should not have that kind of…it shouldn’t be that easy. There’s a danger to that. I didn’t want to admit it then, but I sure as hell realize it now.
Ulsterman: How do you mean “danger”? What’s the danger?
Insider: The danger is that there was almost no media to put this candidate through the lens. No media to ask questions that normally would be asked of anybody running for office. So now we got more and more of us looking back at the last two years asking ourselves, “Who the hell is this guy? What the –expletive- did we do putting him in the White House?”
Read it all.