Look, anyone who visits this blog knows that it pains me to have anything good to say about Mitt Romney but in this case, it's warranted. First of all, Hilary Rosen's comment that Ann Romney hasn't worked a day in her life actually made Mitt a more sympathetic figure, even to me. Whether the statement was calculated or not makes little difference at this point. If the Axelrod Brigade pushed even me closer to Romney, they miscalculated.
Fast forward to a segment from MSNBC's Chris Hayes, a notably liberal commentator. After watching this, see if you don't find yourself asking whether Rosen's comments - as well as the perceived backlash - may have all been manufactured. After all, the mainstream media is liberal so for those entities to feed that narrative, it's at least possible. In fact, they may have thought they were baiting the Romney campaign a bit.
Check out this clip from Hayes. Note how it includes Romney on the campaign trail saying that he wants mothers to be forced to work instead of accept welfare because it gives them the "dignity of work." Hayes argues that this is contradictory to Romney's position that being a stay-at-home mom is work.
This clip will be effective with the mindless, liberal masses but there's one very important variable missing from Hayes' analysis; that variable is welfare. For some reason, he operates from a premise here that a stay-at-home mother on welfare is equal to a stay-at-home mother who is part of a self-sustaining familial unit. Children under parental supervision can't do whatever they want. There are strings attached to being provided for. Ever hear the saying, "As long as you're under my roof, you'll follow my rules." When you extrapolate that to welfare, the same applies. If you want to be subsidized by my tax dollars, the strings attached will be that you will be taught how to provide for yourself.
Painting Romney as a hypocrite on this issue without factoring in welfare is lame and you won't find me defending Romney very often.
That reminds me, the optics of John McCain standing next to Romney in this clip don't do him any favors.
MediaIt'es Tommy Christopher also seems to miss that very important point.