In 2002, New Black Panther Party (NBPP) leader Malik Zulu Shabazz - the same Shabazz who is threatening to confront Glenn Beck on the National Mall on August 28th - sang the praises of Osama bin Laden to a group of followers. The biggest complaint among true Americans was that the silence was deafening when it came to moderate Muslims denouncing the 9/11 terror attacks. In some cases, that silence may have been rooted in fear but not in this instance.
The enemy that attacked America on 9/11 is embraced by the leader of the New Black Panther Party. I guess that would explain why the Black Panther Party didn't denounce bin Laden.
Remember, this is the group that Eric Holder and Barack Obama let off the hook after winning a default judgment in the 2008 Philadelphia polling station intimidation case.
Perhaps if our Congress had enough guts to identify America's enemies, people like Shabazz would be on the list.
h/t to Hot Air
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Breitbart is reporting that an ad from the GOP Trust is being banned from airing on CBS. The one minute ad features footage of the 9/11 attack and calls for a halt to the construction of the Ground Zero mosque. The impact, power, and imagery in the ad would understandably be a source of concern for America's enemies but I'm having trouble understanding why it's a source of concern for CBS.
Oh, wait.
via Breitbart
Oh, wait.
via Breitbart
A mosque in Marietta, GA was set afire earlier this week. Almost immediately, the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) issued a press release, jumping to the conclusion that it was a hate crime. However, less than 48 hours after the fire, police had found their man. His name? Tasmir Lucien Mendy, a Muslim. Not only is Mendy a Muslim but he attended the mosque that he set fire to. Wouldn't you love to know the motive? If it was intended to enflame tensions by staging what looked like a hate crime, isn't that as bad, if not worse than an actual hate crime?
Kind of reminds you of what certain groups on the left like to do at Tea Parties, posing as racist protesters. This is not an uncommon tactic of enemies to the west. Take note.
Check out what CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper had to say before Mendy was arrested.
h/t to JWF and Jawa
Kind of reminds you of what certain groups on the left like to do at Tea Parties, posing as racist protesters. This is not an uncommon tactic of enemies to the west. Take note.
Check out what CAIR spokesman Ibrahim Hooper had to say before Mendy was arrested.
“Given the recent wave of incidents targeting American mosques, a possible bias motive for this apparent arson attack must be considered,” said CAIR National Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper. “Unfortunately, there is a vocal minority in our society promoting anti-Muslim bigotry, and that minority is experiencing little or no pushback from mainstream religious and political leaders.”Here is the video report, courtesy of WSBTV:
h/t to JWF and Jawa
J. Christian Adams resigned from his gig at the Department of Justice, in part, over what he described as a corrupt decision not to prosecute the Black Panthers for voter intimidation outside a Philadelphia polling station on election day, 2008. Now he is levying what very well could be a much more serious charge. It has to do with a directive handed down by Deputy Assistant Attorney General Julie Fernandez. Adams said she told a group of up to 50 people that the DOJ would not be enforcing Section 8 of the Motor Voter law.
According to Adams, Section 8 is designed to ensure the integrity of voter roles, known as the "dead, duplicates, and ineligible" provision. His claim is that Fernandez informed the department that Section 8 was not to be enforced. If Adams' claims are accurate, one that really caught my attention as being patently absurd from Fernandez is the notion that the provision prevented access to the ballot box.
A must see.
h/t to Hot Air
According to Adams, Section 8 is designed to ensure the integrity of voter roles, known as the "dead, duplicates, and ineligible" provision. His claim is that Fernandez informed the department that Section 8 was not to be enforced. If Adams' claims are accurate, one that really caught my attention as being patently absurd from Fernandez is the notion that the provision prevented access to the ballot box.
A must see.
h/t to Hot Air
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