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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Catholic Bishops preparing for Civil Disobedience

It's pretty safe to say that any administration that agitates the Catholic Church to this degree is showing reckless disregard for the first amendment and is intolerant.

Via CNS News:
Having organized 43 plaintiffs—including the archdioceses of New York and Washington and the University of Notre Dame—to file 12 different lawsuits against the Obama administration last Monday alleging the administration is violating the religious freedom of Catholics, the Catholic bishops of the United States are now preparing Catholics for what may be the most massive campaign of civil disobedience in this country since the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and early 1960s.

“Some unjust laws impose such injustices on individuals and organizations that disobeying the laws may be justified,” the bishops state in a document developed to be inserted into church bulletins in Catholic parishes around the country in June.

“Every effort must be made to repeal them,” the bishops say in the document, which is already posted on the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. “When fundamental human goods, such as the right of conscience, are at stake, we may need to witness to the truth by resisting the law and incurring its penalties.”

The bulletin insert reminds Catholic parishioners that the bishops have called for “A Fortnight of Freedom”—which they have described as “a special period of prayer, study, catechesis, and public action”—to take place from June 21 to July 4.
The elites always seem to twist themselves into pretzels to avoid calling the west's war with Islam a religious war. Meanwhile, we have a religious war right here, being waged by the Barack Obama administration against the Catholic Church.

Video: Gendercide at Planned Parenthood in Texas

Seriously, where is the feminist movement. If ever there was a cause tailor-made to fight, wouldn't the selective abortions of the unborn based on gender be it? Planned Parenthood has been caught... again. This time in a Texas clinic, advising a pregnant woman on how to use state funds to get an OB/GYN for late term ultrasounds to be used in the decision-making process of keeping or killing the baby based on its sex.

In this video via LiveAction, h/t Daily Caller:

Another interesting aspect to this is that Planned Parenthood publicly denied this practice earlier this year.

Via DC:
In late April, Planned Parenthood suspected that it was the subject of such a sting operation. At the time, the group called Live Action’s tactic a hoax and condemned sex-selection abortions.

“Planned Parenthood does not offer sex determination services; our ultrasound services are limited to medical purposes,” Planned Parenthood education vice president Leslie Kantor and Carolyn Westhoff, a senior medical adviser for Planned Parenthood, wrote. ”Gender bias is contrary to everything our organization works for daily in communities across the country. Planned Parenthood opposes racism and sexism in all forms, and we work to advance equity and human rights in the delivery of health care.”

“Planned Parenthood condemns sex selection motivated by gender bias, and urges leaders to challenge the underlying conditions that lead to these beliefs and practices, including addressing the social, legal, economic, and political conditions that promote gender bias and lead some to value one gender over the other,” the pair continued, asserting that stings such as Live Action’s are an attempt by “anti-choice” advocates to further “legislation that blocks access to basic reproductive health care, including birth control.”
There's nothing quite like being "pro-choice" and "pro-feminist" while supporting  the "choice" of a woman to exterminate a member of your gender. Then, of course, lying about it doesn't help either.

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