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Monday, August 1, 2011

Videos: Tea Party Senators vs. CNN Anchors

The insane has become mainstream. In the first exchange between CNN's Don Lemon and Senator Rand Paul, Lemon is clearly agitated with the Tea Party's demand for a balanced budget and sees Paul as the poster child against whom he can take out his frustrations. This nation is over $14 Trillion in debt with no plan in place to lower it. In fact, the Boehner plan will only raise it by trillions of dollars over the next ten years while all of the Bill's proponents sing its praises because it includes cuts. Yet, Lemon attacks Paul because the Kentucky Senator wants a balanced budget amendment?!

Seriously, the insane has become mainstream.

This second exchange, between both Wolf Blitzer and Lemon with Senator Mike Lee (R-UT) is over the same issue. For some reason, the left simply doesn't seem to grasp the much larger problem, which is a continued increase in our already unsustainable national debt. Note that Lee is threatening to filibuster the debt deal; this is good news.

Michele Bachmann's Stock Likely to Rise with the Tea Party, West's is Falling

On July 29th, the Hill listed 22 Republicans that rejected John Boehner's debt ceiling bill. Michele Bachmann was one of those on the list. On August 1st, as the alleged final deal agreed upon by both Houses of Congress, Bachmann is still on that list when several Tea Party Reps sided with the establishment. Surprisingly, Lt. Col. Allen West was one of them and he's not even running for president. Bachmann passed a major test with the Tea Party over this vote. In fact, she's leaving Iowa just so she can got to Washington to vote 'no' on the deal.

Via CNN:
Washington (CNN) - Rep. Michele Bachmann is cutting short her presidential campaign trip to Iowa to return to Washington for a vote on a debt ceiling deal.
Bachmann was to make two appearances Monday - a midday event in Newton and a late afternoon backyard chat in Dexter - but her campaign said she was instead flying back to be ready to vote against the bill later in the day.

The Minnesota Republican has opposed any increase in the debt ceiling during negotiations.

"The 'deal'... spends too much and doesn't cut enough," Bachmann said in a statement released Sunday after President Barack Obama announced the agreement with congressional leaders.

"Is this the deal I would have preferred? No," Obama told reporters. "I believe that we could have made the tough choices required - on entitlement reform and tax reform - right now, rather than through a special congressional committee process. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year."

"This isn't the deal the American people 'preferred' either, Mr. President," Bachmann said in her response. "Someone has to say 'no.' I will."
Mark this down. Every 'crisis' we've had in the past, whether TARP 1, TARP 2, Auto Bailouts, AIG Bailouts, Stimulus, etc. always ends up coming back to bite those who voted for them. Yet, the same crowd continues to do so. One day between now and November 2012, there will be some who voted for this deal that will wish they hadn't. Those who voted against it - like Bachmann - will proudly point to their vote.

In fact, when McCain dropped his campaign back in 2008 so he could return to Washington to help solve the financial crisis, it was a disaster. What Bachmann is doing will likely have the opposite effect with the Tea Party.

h/t Hapblog

Herman Cain Apologized to Muslim Brotherhood?

Whether Cain's recent apology to Muslims for his comments regarding Islam and the construction of Mosques was the result of political calculation or political intimidation makes little difference. In doing so, he lost a significant contingent of supporters who stood behind his efforts. He had dropped in the polls and maybe that is why he decided to apologize but that apology is ironically only going to cause him to drop further. Anyone offended by his earlier comments likely will not support him anyway and those who stood by him before will be less likely to do so now.

As if all that wasn't bad enough for Cain, it now appears that the Mosque he attended to issue his apology is led by the president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a Muslim Brotherhood group. As such, Cain apologized for telling the truth.

Via Pajamas Media:
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain has been under fire for saying communities should be able to stop the construction of mosques. So he apologized, following a visit to a mosque led by Imam Mohamed Magid, the president of Muslim Brotherhood branch the Islamic Society of North America.
HERE is Cain's full statement:
I would like to thank Imam Mohamed Magid and the ADAMS Center for extending their hospitality to me this afternoon. We enjoyed heartfelt fellowship and thoughtful dialogue about how patriotic Americans of all faiths can work together to restore the American Dream.

While I stand by my opposition to the interference of shariah law into the American legal system, I remain humble and contrite for any statements I have made that might have caused offense to Muslim Americans and their friends. I am truly sorry for any comments that may have betrayed my commitment to the U.S. Constitution and the freedom of religion guaranteed by it. Muslims, like all Americans, have the right to practice their faith freely and peacefully.

As I expected, we discovered we have much more in common in our values and virtues. In my own life as a black youth growing up in the segregated South, I understand their frustration with stereotypes. Those in attendance, like most Muslim Americans, are peaceful Muslims and patriotic Americans whose good will is often drowned out by the reprehensible actions of jihadists.

I am encouraged by the bonds of friendship forged today at our meeting, and I look forward to continuing this very healthy dialogue. The relationship we established was so positive that the Imam has invited me back to speak to not only some of their youth, but also at one of their worship services.
PJM's Mauro then makes this point:
If Cain opposes Sharia-based governance, then he picked the wrong group to reach out to.

As noted above, Mohamed Magid is also president of the Islamic Society of America (ISNA). The group says it “rejects all acts of terrorism, including those perpetrated by Hamas, Hizbullah and any other group that claims Islam as their inspiration.” However, ISNA was listed as an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the Holy Land Foundation trial. The HLF had been found guilty of being a front for Hamas set up by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Are we to believe that Cain's staff didn't know this about Magid or his mosque? This is disturbing on several levels. For one, the political pressure brought to bear on Cain had to be immense for him to do this. This borders on dhimmitude.

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