Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Eric Holder's New Problem - Elena Kagan Nomination

Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan was the Solicitor General before she was nominated. As such, there was enough likelihood that she was involved in the defense of Obamacare after the bill's passage. If, in fact, Kagan was consulted or otherwise participated in discussions about a legal defense of the bill, it would be more than sufficient grounds for her to recuse herself from the case, which SCOTUS will be taking up this spring.

During his November 8th testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Eric Holder was asked about this very issue by Senator Mike Lee (R-UT). If Holder is to be believed - his Fast and Furious testimony notwithstanding - Kagan was asked to physically leave a room whenever the topic of Obamacare was addressed. Remember, this is the same Eric Holder who lied under oath about when he first heard of Fast and Furious and the American people should be expected to believe the absurd notion that Obama's Solicitor General - Kagan - was asked to leave any meeting when the subject turned to defending Obamacare?!

Via CNS News:
Senate Republican leaders sent a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday expressing their view that testimony he gave in the Senate Judiciary Committee last week on the Justice Department's handling of then-Solicitor General Elena Kagan's involvement in litigation arising from the administration's health care legislation was "belied by the facts." 
The senators also urged Holder to comply with requests that have been submitted to the Justice Department by Congress seeking information about Kagan's involvement in the matter and expressed their view that Kagan's activities as solicitor general may have triggered two different provisions of a federal law that governs when a Supreme Court justice must recuse from a case. 
"Unfortunately, your Department has rejected all Congressional oversight requests for information about her role in the Obama Administration's defense of this law," said the letter to Holder, which was signed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R.-Ky.), Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (R.-Ariz.), Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Charles Grassley (R.-Iowa) and Sen. Mike Lee (R.-Utah), who is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. 
"You recently told the Senate, incredibly, that you were not even aware of Congressional requests on this topic, and that your Department handled her duties as relates to such matters in a way that is belied by the facts, namely that you physically removed her from all meetings discussing litigation," the senators told Holder.
Click HERE to watch the brief exchange between Lee and Holder. Complicating Holder's position relative to what Kagan knew are e-mails obtained by Judicial Watch through FOIA requests. They would seem to indicate that even if the absurd notion that she was asked to leave meetings that turned to Obamacare, she apparently was dialed in via communications with colleagues through e-mail.

Here is a clip from Day 3 of Kagan's confirmation hearings back in 2010. Fast forward to the 4:45 mark to watch Senator Tom Coburn ask Kagan if she had ever been asked to present her opinion on the merits of the health care bill. Note her response. She said, no. Demands that Kagan should recuse herself from the Obamacare case could be the least of the administration's problems. If it can be proven that Kagan had been asked to present her opinion on the merits of Obamacare, it could constitute perjury.

Video: MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski and her Righteously Indignant Rant Against Newt Gingrich

This is what we call feigned outrage from a liberal. Anyone willing to overlook the rampant crime and destruction of property while getting this mad at someone for pointing it out is in need of serious therapy. MSNBC Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski was so disgusted with Newt Gingrich for suggesting that the Occupy Wall Street crowd should bathe that she forgot to wear her belt. In a case of 'thou doth protest too much,' Mika actually tells Newt he's right in her own special way. Whenever you see someone on the left this worked up about something said by someone on the right, it's usually because it carries the ring of truth.

At the Thanksgiving Family Forum, Newt encapsulated the essence of OWS in just over 30 seconds (played at the beginning of this clip). Mika then takes her cue and decides that anyone who would say such things has to be an elitist snob completely devoid of compassion for the downtrodden. Mika said the comments made her 'skin crawl' but that might be because Newt got under it. Oh, and if you ever find yourself wondering how Joe Scarborough could have become so liberal after having been a Republican congressman who was part of the 'Contract with America,' imagine sitting next to this woman for multiple hours every morning.

Note that at no point, did Mika address one of Newt's points. Someone should also take the time to explain to her what the word 'literally' means. Unless Newt physically sat on a 'high horse' and unless Mika's skin did actually crawl, she's using it in a completely unacceptable manner.

What an outrage!

 h/t Freedom's Lighthouse

Video: Russian News Anchor on Obama - No Subtitles Needed

Just watch and wait (it's only :29 long anyway). Yes, this woman is speaking Russian and there are no subtitles but she does something everyone understands right after uttering Barack Obama's name.

h/t Hapblog
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