Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Pakistan Responds to Admiral Mullen's Charges that Pakistani Intelligence Aiding Haqqani Network

On September 22nd, outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen threw down a gauntlet with Pakistan when he testified that the Haqqani terrorist network is, in essence, working with Pakistani Intelligence (ISI). In particular, he pointed to the US Embassy bombing in Afghanistan and an attack on the 10th Anniversary of 9/11, in which 80 Americans were wounded. Pakistan has apparently responded to Mullen's testimony by issuing a threat and demanding evidence of Mullen's claims. Uh, how about Osama bin Laden living one mile away from a Pakistani military academy for five years? They still haven't explained that one. How about letting the Chinese get a look at our helicopter that was downed during the raid?

First up, the relevant portion of Mullen's testimony:

As for Pakistan's response, via WSJ:
Pakistani officials snapped back at the U.S. for saying its spy agency was aiding a militant group that targets Americans, and warned Washington that such accusations could sink their alliance.

Army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani called the charges by Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, "very unfortunate and not based on facts."

Earlier Friday, Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar told an Indian news channel that "pointing fingers at each other will not help." Ms. Khar was in the U.S. for the United Nations General Assembly.

"We've never ventured into the blame game because we want to be a mature, responsible country," she said.

Adm. Mullen told Congress on Thursday that he believed the Haqqani network, a militant group linked to the Afghan Taliban and blamed by the U.S. for an attack last week on its embassy in Kabul, was a "veritable arm" of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence military spy agency.

Gen. Kayani, in a statement issued by the Pakistani military on Friday, denied "accusations of proxy war and ISI support to Haqqanis."

Gen. Kayani said "Adm. Mullen knows fully well which…countries are in contact with the Haqqanis. Singling out Pakistan is neither fair nor productive," the statement said.
The good news may be that we're getting closer to identifying the actual enemies of the United States. The bad news is in how long it's taking us to do so.

More from the hearing HERE.

Video: Solyndra Execs Plead the FIF

Solyndra CEO Brian Harrison and the company's CFO Bill Stover thoroughly embarrassed themselves by invoking their Fifth Amendment rights at a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing. Isn't it amazing how guys like this hide behind the Constitution when it suits them but apparently worked intimately with an administration that has demonstrated such thorough disregard for our founding documents? In this first video, Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) attempts to get each man to answer questions that, on their face, should not implicate them at all. Yet, both Harrison and Stover cite the Fifth Amendment anyway.

I can't think of a time when silence has so implicated two men.

Via Fox Nation:

Kinda reminds me of this:

Video: The Solyndra Scandal in less than Two Minutes

The Scandal that is Solyndra, more than perhaps anything else to date, is a massive pie in the face of an administration that has touted a green jobs economy. It's also vindication for those of us who insisted the push for such an economy was all a sham. Why? Because Solyndra's executives are large Obama donors and made countless visits to the White House in order to get $535 Million in loan guarantees to launch their solar panel plant in 2009. This video from Institute for Energy Research sums it all up quite nicely with a montage of clips from Obama and Biden singing the praises of a company that got more than half a billion dollars of your money and squandered it in two years.

h/t Hot Air
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