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Friday, October 21, 2011

Confirmed: Islamic Terror Groups Supporting Occupy Wall Street Protests

Has anyone noticed that these Occupy Wall Street (OWS) tent cities across the country are eerily reminiscent of the scene at Tahrir Square earlier this year? We're learning that this is not a coincidence. In Cairo, reporter Lara Logan was the victim of a violent sexual assault; reporters were threatened and accosted; Anderson Cooper and Christianne Amanpour were among them. At Occupy Cleveland, there was a report of a mentally handicapped woman being raped by a man who entered her tent. At Occupy Oakland, one television reporter had her life threatened while another was attacked by a protester's dog.

Now this. An Arabic website that is expressing support for the Occupy Wall Street protests in the United States. There will be much more on this in the coming days but be prepared. There will be breaking news about this. The question that needs to be asked is: Does this site represent groups who merely support the Occupy Wall Street protests or does it reveal Muslim Brotherhood involvement?

Stay tuned because not only will that question be answered but we seek to bring you names.

On a related note, the United West has already proven that the CAIR Attorney who represented the parents of then seventeen-year-old Rifqa Bary coordinated and organized the Occupy Orlando protest last week. Now it has been learned that CAIR's national office is directing Muslims to attend the Occupy Wall Street protests.

Via CAIR New York:
CAIR-NY Invites You To Pray Jummah At Wall Street

Dear Friends,

This Friday, the Council on American Islamic Relations New York Chapter (CAIR-NY) would like to invite you and your organization to join us for Jummah at Occupy Wall Street this Friday, October 21st. Over the past several weeks, it has become clear that many of the demands of Occupy Wall Street parallel those of the New York Muslim community. Especially in light of the recently exposed NYPD surveillance in Muslim Student Organizations, we need to unite in our repudiation of government corruption and our rejection of the political effort to marginalize our voices. Even if your MSA cannot is not able to join us officially, we would appreciate it if you could circulate the attached message among your mailing lists. Feel free to make any changes to our wording to suit your needs.

It is time for the New York Muslim community to assume its place in the fight for political and economic equality in this country, and it is vital that the youth lead the way.

Peace and blessings,
The staff and interns of CAIR-NY
Folks, this is getting very serious. It appears that someone has made the decision to rip the mask off and go for broke. Unfortunately, local government officials in many of these cities are sympathetic to the OWS cause. In several cases, police are either standing down or exercising restraint because they do as well. Remember, we're talking public sector unions here. They have a conflict of interest that, at minimum, hampers their effectiveness. In reality, these protests are being taken over by Socialists, Communists, Nazis, and Islamists who are all aligning together to target Capitalism. The unwashed (literally) masses at these protests are nothing more than pawns and useful idiots who have no clue what they're in for.

It's a reality that is manifesting itself before our very eyes and these tent cities are rapidly becoming pits of evil; As mentioned earlier, reporters covering the Occupy Oakland protests are not even being allowed in. That is certainly a red flag.

There WILL be much more to come.

Videos: Occupy Oakland the Latest Lawless Rat Hole

Well, add Occupy Oakland to the list of left wing protesters who have descended into a pit of rats (literally) and lawlessness. Earlier this week, it was reported that a mentally handicapped woman at Occupy Cleveland was raped by a man who entered her tent. At about the same time, a man at Occupy Seattle was arrested for exposing himself to children multiple times. Now, it looks like Occupy Oakland is threatening and assaulting local television reporters while demanding those reporters stay out of the park where that tent city is set up.

In one particularly disturbing incident, San Francisco television reporter Amy Hollyfield had her life threatened by a protester. Via Big Journalism:
Early yesterday morning, we received a tip from a reader in the San Francisco East Bay area who informed us that a local reporter’s life had been threatened by an activist at the Occupy Oakland demonstration.

Our source, who is fearful of reprisal and has requested anonymity, says that KGO-TV’s Amy Hollyfield was accosted by a man who threatened her and used a racial slur:

“We shoot white bitches like you around here.”

According to our source, the Oakland Police Department was apparently called to the scene. Inquiries to the police, and to Hollyfield, which began at roughly 8 a.m. Pacific time yesterday, are still unanswered today.

Other local morning news reports from three of the major Bay Area stations suggested that the Occupy Oakland tent city had descended into rat-infested squalor with complaints of vandalism, public urination, sexual harassment, and sex in public.
Funny, Tea Parties didn't seem to have these problems.

Perhaps the most troubling aspect to these protests is the sympathy the continue to garner from city officials and some law enforcement. We saw this at the Wisconsin State Capitol building earlier this year when police and firefighters aligned with the public sector union protesters in that state. The same seems to be happening, at least to some degree, in many of these OWS protests. There are more videos posted at Big J but here is one that features Amy Hollyfield, the reporter who was allegedly threatened, though she doesn't mention the threat to her life:

More UNBELIEVABLE video at Big Journalism
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