Via WND:
In order to find out which non-Arab nation they seek, we need to read the thoughts of the Arab-pro-Muslim-Brotherhood scholars in Arabic, not in English. Take the renowned Islamic scholar Louay Safi who served as the executive director of research for the International Institute of Islamic Thought in the U.S. (IIIT), who recently wrote:It would seem that Mr. Shoebat is an intelligence gold mine, that is if our leaders were truly interested in identifying the real enemy. He's also been saying for quite some time now that the west needs to keep its eyes on Turkey because that will be where the Muslim Brotherhood consolidates its power.
"The model for reform and the alternative to the Shiite Iranian model will rise again from outside the Arab region, namely from Turkey. The Turkish model, represented by the ruling Justice and Development Party, has Islamic roots. The AK Party seeks to restore the Republic of Turkey to its cultural context and cultural history, and represents the current phase of the advanced variety of the Islamic movement in Turkey." [Middle East Online, Feb. 1, 2011, Arabic translation mine]
Read it all.