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Thursday, August 5, 2010


The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has released an ad that hones in on the Democratic candidate for Obama's former Senate seat, Alexi Giannoulias's ties to Tony Rezko and Chicago Way politics. Giannoulias's bank got shut down by the Feds and extended a big loan to Tony Rezko after the convicted slum lord fell behind on another one. That's not stopping Obama from appearing in Chicago to help fundraise for Giannoulias as the jurors in the Blagojevich trial are in the process of deciding on a verdict.

Interestingly, Giannoulias's name came up quite a bit during the prosecution's case in the Blago trial and none of it was good. It revealed lies, inconsistencies, and a staunch dislike for Alexi on the part of Blagojevich. More on that HERE and HERE. Now, because practically every Democrat running for office this November is telling Obama to stay away, Giannoulias is apparently taking advantage of the opportunity and Obama is obliging.

Via Bloomberg:
President Barack Obama, who left Chicago promising hope and change, appears in his adopted hometown today to raise money for a U.S. Senate candidate amid reminders of the difficulty of getting away from the tarnish of a place renowned for its political corruption.

Obama’s speech at a downtown hotel for Alexi Giannoulias, the Democrat seeking the seat he once held, will be two blocks from the federal courthouse where jurors are weighing the fate of Rod Blagojevich. The former Illinois governor stands accused of trying to sell the Senate post to the highest bidder.
As for the ad, it starts right off the bat with another lie from Obama - "Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate." I guess it might be splitting hairs to say Giannoulias is a banker. As mentioned previously, the Feds shut his bank down.

via HapBlog

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