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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Video: Chris Matthews Warns Perry of Anal Exam

Look, I'm no Rick Perry fan (see previous post) but this is quintessential partisan hypocrisy from Chris Matthews, who is obviously put off by the Texas governor's strong rhetoric about Obama and the Democrats. In this exchange with Eugene Robinson, Matthews warns Perry that he better be prepared for a very thorough vetting process because it will be coming. So, in 2008, Chris Matthews spoke of a 'thrill' running up his leg when listening to an Obama speech and even confessed to doing all he could to make sure the Barack Obama presidency would be a success and in 2011, he's warning a Republican nominee of a thorough anal exam.

Chris, just when we thought you couldn't get any more obvious...

Via NewsBusters:

As for vetting Rick Perry, I'm all for it. He is not as advertised and if he is vetted, people will see that.

Back to Matthews. Remember this?

Video: Perry Throws some Red 'Federal Reserve' Meat in Iowa

As a Texan who has seen Rick Perry govern, I wish I could convince more people that this kind of rhetoric is absolutely not backed up with action. Perry is a master at donning the apron and chef's hat, grilling Grade A red meat, and throwing it to the party. However, when it's time for the rubber to meet the road, he does not deliver. Two recent examples came earlier this year in Texas' special legislative session. Perry took too long to put two very important, Tea Party-backed bills on the agenda - the Sanctuary cities bill and the TSA anti-groping bill - and then after he finally did, he skipped town. He avoided the bully pulpit altogether. It was as if he wanted those bills to die from a legislative kabuki dance, which they did.

In fact, two Texas billionaires chimed in at the 11th hour on the sanctuary cities bill and helped to kill it by throwing their weight and money around. One was a grocery chain magnate and the other a Houston home builder. Had Perry truly been a governor for the people of Texas, he would have jumped into the political fire instead of running from it. That's why I find rhetoric like this so disingenuous.

If there is an upside to it, perhaps it will raise the game of the other candidates but I'm telling anyone who reads this, do NOT buy what this guy is selling.

Via Hapblog:

Video: Obama gets Earful from Tea Party Member in Iowa Audience

There was a time when Barack Obama represented the angry masses who had a problem with the establishment. While conducting a town hall in Iowa this week, he found himself to be the figurehead of the establishment, on the other end of an exchange with a man who represents an angry constituency - the Tea Party. First up, the video. As Obama was wrapping up his Q&A by seeking out the person who would ask the last question, Ryan Rhodes, a Tea Party activist stood up and shouted the same question multiple times:
"How can you bring people together when your VP called the Tea Party 'terrorists'?"
Though you can't hear the question being asked, you can hear Obama's responses as he tries to ignore Rhodes in favor of another questioner. It doesn't work. Rhodes continues to ask the question until he gets Obama to react. It carried the ring of a Saul Alinsky tactic being used against the president.
According to Alinsky, the main job of the organizer is to bait an opponent into reacting. “The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.”
Rhodes got Obama to react by comparing any charge that the Tea Party might have been called 'terrorists' to charges that he (Obama) had been called a 'socialist' who wasn't born in the US.

Via Breitbart:

You'll note that Obama said he would talk with the man one on one afterward. According to Fox News, it was difficult to hear what was said between Obama and Rhodes but they did seem to capture the tenor of the discussion:
In an interview later with Fox News, Rhodes claimed that the president had insisted that Biden had not made the original comment.

“He just denied it. He said the vice president didn't make any of those assertions,” Rhodes said. “If he doesn’t want to even admit what was on TV nationally -- all over the place -- then how can you have a conversation?”

Rhodes added that Obama brushed him aside. “Then he said, ‘We can't have a conversation because you're saying I called you a terrorist,’” recalled Rhodes. “The fact is it demonstrates the deep divide that he is unwilling to negotiate without going after the other side. The whole day was about going after Republicans and talking about how unreasonable they are.”
Note that Rhodes focused on one item exclusively. There are countless problems the Tea Party has with Obama but Rhodes picked one and hammered on it until he finally got a reaction. That reaction was, in effect, one that insinuated that because the president is called names, it's ok for his administration to call people names. Uh, someone needs to tell Obama that's not presidential.

h/t Weasel Zippers
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