It is extremely important while viewing this video courtesy of Sharp Elbows to keep in mind the assertions made by the Quincy Police Force via a press release. In that release, the Tea Party protesters were portrayed as the source of the problem - the reason that riot police had to be called in. That claim does not pass the smell test, nor does it pass the video test. Check out this excerpt from the April 29th release.
Secret Service personnel requested these individuals leave the area and to go back to the north side of York Street. They did not comply. Quincy Police Department personnel made the same requests and again they did not comply. At that time the MFFT was deployed to stand post between the individuals and the site and, if necessary, remove the individuals. Once the MFFT was in place, the individuals agreed to move.
For more on the Quincy Police press release, go here. Before doing so, however, check out yet another video from Sharp Elbows that clearly demonstrates there was NO CAUSE for the riot police. In fact, you can hear videographer Jason being as respectful as humanly possible to law enforcement, deferring to their direction at every turn.
Pay particularly close attention at the end when a protester volunteers to the camera that he overheard a Secret Service official direct the riot police to push the Tea Party protesters out of sight.
On April 28th, Barack Obama spoke at the Quincy, IL community center. A Tea Party broke out across the street. Thanks to several videos and photos, riot police were seen being brought in while donning full riot gear without having any visible provocation for doing so.
The images, which created the perception of unnecessary intimidation and overkill must have had an impact because Quincy's Chief of Police, Robert A. Copley issued a press release, the stated purpose of which was to "relay factual information" about the deployment of the equivalent of a S.W.A.T. team and rooftop snipers.
That release is refuted with the truth, which was caught on video. Copley's claim is that the Mobile Field Force Teams (MFFT) were called in only after the Tea Party protesters refused to comply with an order to move across the street. It's unfortunate that the protesters are being blamed for the deployment of riot police in riot gear to dispel a riot that never took place.
The most dishonest portion of the press release comes in the 4th paragraph:
During President Obama’s address, at approximately 1530 hours, the MFFT was deployed. A group of individuals positioned themselves on the south side of York Street near 3rd Street. This was within the area that was to be kept secure at the request of the U. S. Secret Service agents in charge of the site. Prior to the event only ticketed individuals were to be in this area; during the event it was restricted to the general public completely. Secret Service personnel requested these individuals leave the area and to go back to the north side of York Street. They did not comply. Quincy Police Department personnel made the same requests and again they did not comply. At that time the MFFT was deployed to stand post between the individuals and the site and, if necessary, remove the individuals. Once the MFFT was in place, the individuals agreed to move. Once everyone complied and the site was again secure, the MFFT returned to their staging point. No physical force was used during this deployment.
That is simply false. Thanks to Sharp Elbows and the many videos posted there, what really happened was that the Tea Party protesters complied with all orders prior to the arrival of the MFFT. In fact, one of its organizers was directing them with a bullhorn in compliance with all police requests.
See for yourself.
More on the Quincy Tea Party vs. Riot Police here.
Gateway Pundit breaks down further the falsehoods in the press release.
No president in history has had more ruthless surrogates than Barack Obama. Rahm Emanuel is unmatched in his ability to bully, intimidate, demagogue, and demonize anyone he decides to go after. And there's more.
Conversely, Obama has enjoyed a perception of likability that continues to exceed public agreement with his policies. That's what makes this video so pathetically revealing. Watch as Obama in 2006 chastises George W. Bush for not reigning in his surrogates.