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Monday, October 24, 2011

NYC Police: Shootings up 28% Because of Occupy Wall Street

As Vice President Joe Biden rants about how rapes and murders will increase unless Congress passes Obama's second stimulus bill appears to have an opportunity he's not taking advantage of and it has to do with Occupy Wall Street. Apparently, NYC Police are saying that shootings are up by 28% because they have had to divert so many resources to OWS. Instead of demanding more money to prevent more rape and murder, perhaps Biden should be demanding the OWS protesters go home. Logically, that makes the most sense but alas, Biden is conspicuously silent.

Via New York Post:
Bullets are flying over Broadway -- and everywhere else in the city.
The number of people shot surged 154 percent two weeks ago -- to 56 from 22 over the same week last year -- and spiked 28 percent in the last month.

Last week tallied another increase in victims -- 22 people had been hit through Friday, including the three victims gunned down outside a Brooklyn school Friday.

Last year, only 17 shooting victims were logged for the entire week.

The recent gunplay has now pushed the number of shooting victims this year slightly above last year’s tragic tally -- to 1,484 from 1,451 -- through Oct. 16.

Four high-ranking cops point the finger at Occupy Wall Street protesters, saying their rallies pull special crime-fighting units away from the hot zones where they’re needed.
Does this mean that Michael Bloomberg has blood on his hands for not shutting the protests down.

h/t Verum Serum

Obama Continues doing Muslim Brotherhood's Bidding

The debate about whether Barack Obama is secretly a Muslim is rather fruitless at this point but one thing that is not in dispute is the fact that at practically every turn, his administration's policies support the Global Muslim Brotherhood movement. The Arab Spring is something he supported. Without Obama's policies, Mubarak and Gadhafi would still be in power. Some may support their removal but they do so out of ignorance about what's going to fill the void or they're in support of what will - an exponentially more dangerous threat to western civilization. For one, I simply cannot accept the premise which says Obama doesn't know or understand the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood, which means he's doing their bidding on purpose.

Now the head of the National Transnational Council, Mustafa Abdul Jalil is publicly announcing that the future of Libya will involve a strict adherence to Sharia Law.

Via UK Telegraph:
Mustafa Abdul-Jalil, the chairman of the National Transitional Council and de fact president, had already declared that Libyan laws in future would have Sharia, the Islamic code, as its "basic source".

But that formulation can be interpreted in many ways - it was also the basis of Egypt's largely secular constitution under President Hosni Mubarak, and remains so after his fall.

Mr Abdul-Jalil went further, specifically lifting immediately, by decree, one law from Col. Gaddafi's era that he said was in conflict with Sharia - that banning polygamy.

In a blow to those who hoped to see Libya's economy integrate further into the western world, he announced that in future bank regulations would ban the charging of interest, in line with Sharia. "Interest creates disease and hatred among people," he said.

Gulf states like the United Arab Emirates, and other Muslim countries, have pioneered the development of Sharia-compliant banks which charge fees rather than interest for loans but they normally run alongside western-style banks.
Meanwhile, in Tunisia, the Islamists (Muslim Brotherhood) are poised to take control of that country as well.

Via Reuters:
Islamists are expected to do well in Tunisia's first democratic election on Sunday, 10 months after the ouster of autocratic leader Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in a popular uprising that set off protest movements around the Arab world.

The Ennahda party will almost certainly win a share of power after the vote, which will set a democratic standard for other Arab countries where uprisings have triggered political change or governments have tried to rush reforms to stave off unrest.

Sunday's vote is for an assembly which will draft a new constitution to replace the one Ben Ali manipulated to entrench his power. It will also appoint an interim government and set elections for a new president and parliament.
For what it's worth, Islamic law says that Obama is still a Muslim because he was born of a Muslim father. Can someone - preferably Obama - tell us when the president converted to Christianity?

h/t Drudge
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