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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Video: Obama Says 'Public' Shouldn't Pay Attention to Debt Ceiling Talks

Gotta admit. As I watched this LIVE, I yelled at the television. The gall of this man is unmatched in modern history. During Barack Obama's news conference about negotiating a deal over raising the debt limit, NBC's Chip Reid asked him to respond to a poll that showed the vast majority of Americans don't want to see that limit raised. Obama's response? The people don't pay attention to this stuff, nor should they. He actually said, 'We're paid to worry about it.' Yeah, that's the problem.

Over-the-proverbial-top, via CNS News:

Video: American Patriot, ATF Agent Jay Dobyns, says Holder Must Go

As the Fast and Furious scandal continues to unfold, it's important to remember that there is a slew of excellent agents at the ATF who represent the baby. It is the leadership at ATF and DOJ that represents the bathwater. Jay Dobyns is definitely one of the good guys who has valiantly served and protected. In an interview with Newsmax TV, Dobyns minces no words and makes the case that Attorney General Eric Holder needs to go. He also insists that once the leadership problem within ATF is fixed, the agents on the side of good will be on fire for the fight against evil.

Good stuff:

h/t Sipsey Street

Arrogant Denial: DOJ Guilt Transferred to the Innocent in Fast and Furious Scandal

This would be like Nixon blaming Democrat Headquarters for allowing the Watergate hotel to be bugged. Operation Fast and Furious involved ATF (agency of Holder's Justice Department) agents instructing gun dealers to sell guns to bad guys despite those gun dealers expressing grave concerns about doing so. In one case, there was an email from a gun dealer who informed an ATF supervisor that he didn't want to sell the weapons because he knew some Border Patrol agents and didn't want any of them getting hurt. ATF told that dealer to sell. Months later, Border Agent Brian Terry was shot dead with guns sold under the Fast and Furious operation.

How does the Justice Department react? They've announced they're putting stricter reporting regulations on gun dealers. Doesn't make sense, does it?

Via Dave Workman:
Late Monday, the Department of Justice announced that it will begin requiring gun dealers in four Southwest Border states to report multiple sales of semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines.

This is a long-anticipated move by the Justice Department in the wake of the Operation Fast and Furious scandal. It was quickly branded as a political maneuver by Congressman Darrell Issa (R-CA), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, who has been leading the investigation of the botched gun trafficking sting mounted by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. It also brought a quick reaction from Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) who initially began digging into Fast and Furious in late January.
The liberal mainstream media, to include the New York Times and Washington Post, has been putting fort this narrative for several weeks and now the DOJ is actually doing it.

Second Amendment Foundation president, Alan Gottlieb, put it perfectly:
"Don't give them (ATF) more power. Give them and the higher ups at the Justice Department who have approved Fast & Furious jail time."—Alan Gottlieb, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
This tactic has Obama's hero Saul Alinsky written all over it. In particular, Rule #8 seems to apply:
Rule 8: Keep the pressure on. Use different tactics and actions and use all events of the period for your purpose. “The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this that will cause the opposition to react to your advantage.”
Being a martyr for a guy who dedicated his work to Lucifer is never a good idea but that's exactly what this administration seems to be doing.

h/t Sipsey Street

Obama Recognizes South Sudan's Independence, Ignores Bush's Role

Again, I've been as critical of Bush as anyone but fair is fair. George W. Bush put the wheels in motion that led to the formation of a new country - South Sudan, which officially declared its independence on July 9th. Based on an aggressive policy in 2005, the Bush administration focused on liberating Sudan's Christian south. It took six years but even the South Sudanese are giving Bush 43 the credit. The president of the new nation, Kiir Mayardit, underscored the sentiment by wearing the black stetson Bush gave to him years ago.

However, while Barack Obama has been willing to blame Bush for everything that's gone wrong since the latter left office, the former refuses to give Bush an ounce of credit, even when it's over-the-top obvious.

Via IBD:
As South Sudan joyfully celebrated its independence from Sudan, President Obama hailed it as the fruit of partnership, togetherness, hope and unity. South Sudanese, however, hailed President Bush.

Proudly wearing the black cowboy hat given to him by President Bush, South Sudan's new president, Salva Kiir Mayardit, couldn't have made a stronger statement about who made his country's independence possible after 50 years of warfare.

"It was George Bush and the Christian fundamentalists who heard the cry of South Sudan," affirmed a South Sudanese man quoted by the Los Angeles Times.

But to hear the White House — in its official recognition of the new republic, as well as on the White House blog and in an op-ed published earlier this year, President Bush had nothing to do with this.

"Today is a reminder that after the darkness of war, the light of a new dawn is possible," wrote Obama, as if such events just .. . happen.

Fact is, these events didn't just happen.

In 2005, President Bush put South Sudan at the top of the U.S. foreign policy agenda. Knocking heads, he forced the murderous Islamofascist government of Sudan to negotiate with the South Sudan rebels, including their right to secede. That hard work led to today's result — and with it, the first chance South Sudan has ever had to break free of its oppression.

Obama made sure to thank the African Union, civil society groups and even Sudan itself. But recognition of President Bush was relegated to nothing more than a nameless "U.S. leadership" that "played a part." Christian groups that made it their cause were also ignored.
Just another in a long line of examples that demonstrate Barack Obama's maturity level doesn't reach above that of a child.

h/t GWP
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