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Saturday, June 4, 2011

TSA Pat Down Ban Bill may be Back in Texas Special Session

As the Texas legislature was winding down its regular session recently, a bill that would make intrusive TSA pat downs a misdemeanor, the state Senate lost its backbone when the Obama-led TSA threatened to make Texas a no-fly zone if the bill passed and was signed into law. Interestingly, through the fault of no one but one Democratic state senator named Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth), Governor Perry had to call a special session that will last thirty days. Davis filibustered a bill that could not be left unresolved.

The rub is that any legislation can be put on the agenda by Perry in a special session - unlike a regular session. Moreover, super majorities are not necessary, only simple ones, to pass legislation. In addition to the 'sanctuary cities' bill (HB 9) possibly ending up on the agenda - if Perry lives up to his word - the TSA pat down bill may very well end up there as well.

Via The Hill:
Texas lawmakers may reconsider a bill to outlaw controversial airport pat-downs, the sponsor of legislation that was shelved recently said this week.

Texas state Rep. David Simpson (R) said that Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst reportedly asked Gov. Rick Perry to include the measure in a special session of the Texas legislature. Dewhurst reported asked lawmakers to withdraw the bill when federal officials threatened to cancel flights to Texas if it passed.

But he has since had a change of heart, Simpson told fans on his Facebook page.

"The Lt. Gov. sent a letter to Gov. Perry asking him to include the TSA bill HB 1937 in the special session!," Simpson wrote on the website. "Please call the Governor and tell him you agree with Lt. Gov. Dewhurst!"

The measure would make it a misdemeanor for TSA agents would have been to pat down travelers who did not have probable cause for suspicion. The penalty would be a $4,000 fine and one year in jail.
Of all things, the TSA Blog cited Article VI. Clause 2 of the United States Constitution (the Supremacy clause) for why Texas has no right to enact such laws, which states that the Constitution is to be the 'supreme law of the land' and that state judges must adhere to it.

Isn't that what Oklahoma did when it voted not to enforce sharia law? The judge put a permanent hold on that law. You'd think the feds would want to lean on that judge instead of on Texas.

As for the TSA pat downs, here is a woman in an Arizona airport over the Memorial Day weekend, screaming for police while saying she had just been molested by an agent.

Via GWP:

h/t Barrackaid 13

Video: Former Democrat Congresswoman Hearts Gadhafi

Though she's no longer a member of Congress, the fact that she ever sniffed the Capitol building is made all the more disturbing after watching this clip. Cynthia McKinney appeared in Libya to espouse the virtues of Muammar Gadhafi's 'Green Book,' which was allegedly based on Mao's little red book. Not only does she champion the Gadhafi manifesto but she wants it to be the foundation for government in the United States. Yes, Cynthia McKinney, who once swore an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution actually wants to replace it with Gadhafi's green book.

Notice, too, that McKinney drops the name of former Democratic Senator Mike Gravel, whom she spoke with upon her return from a previous trip to Libya when she first learned about the green book. Though Gravel is no longer in the Senate, this should call his allegiance to the Constitution into question as well. It's way past time to start finding out which elected politicians took that oath while crossing their fingers.

Here's McKinney in Libya earlier this month. Via The Blaze:

Ruh Roh: 31 House Democrats Demand Obama Come Clean on Gunrunner

David Codrea at Gun Rights Examiner has been putting pressure on pro-second amendment Democrats to push for answers on the Project Gunrunner scandal and it may be paying off. In a letter to Barack Obama, Rep. Jason Altimire (D-PA), along with 30 of his Democrat colleagues, demanded that the Department of Justice cooperate with Congressional investigations. This is a development that should not be underestimated. The gunwalker scandal is not far from being broken wide open and when 31 Democrats begin demanding answers, it's a significant chunk out of the levee.

Here is what the letter says, in part via David Codrea:
We are writing to express our serious concerns about the Administration's response to investigations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives' (ATF) "Project Gunrunner" and is offshoot known as "Fast and Furious."

Reports of the tactics used in this operation are extremely troubling. The ATF allegedly encouraged gun store owners to sell thousands of fireams to customers whom store employees considered suspicious. Our concerns were heightened with news that one of the firearms sold may have been used in the murder of a Border Patrol agent. These allegations call into question the judgment of the agents involved. It is equally troubling that the Department of Justice has delayed action and withheld information from Congressional inquiries.
There has been significant movement on this scandal since it was first reported months ago. This is definitely a sign that some inertia is building.

Read entire letter.
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