When a number of the Pharaoh's Muslim Brotherhood magicians snuck in to woo the White House recently, CNN featured them and assured all Americans the visitors came bearing great tidings of joy. Two members of the delegation were confronted by one doubting Thomas, Will Cain from the Blaze, who charged:
“You say things to us in English… but many charge that when you go back to Egypt and you speak in Arabic, you say just the opposite.”Abdul Mawgoud Dardery of the Muslim Brotherhood, a 9/11 Truther with an alleged penchant for young children, simply rebuked Cain’s charge as a “conspiracy” theory. His colleague, a female member of the Brotherhood, with her head wrapped in swaddling clothes, chimed in with statements that were peppered with words of “democracy” and “respect to all peace treaties.”
Asem was carefully weaned on to the ways of the Ikhwan (Brotherhood), beginning at a young age by both of her parents, who are prominent leaders within the Muslim Brotherhood; her mother – Manal Abul Hassan – is one of the Brotherhood's most powerful women.
Nicholas Kristof, a New York Times liberal, visited Sondos in her home only to be wooed by her before writing his article. He cautioned readers against alarm over the Ikhwan saying, “let's not overdo the hand-wringing—or lose perspective.” Kristof also quoted Asem as saying, “It's a big misconception that the Muslim Brotherhood marginalizes women. Fifty percent of the Brotherhood are women.”
Indeed, when it comes to the role of women in the “Muslim Brotherhood,” most westerners are clueless about how active one of its major arms – the “Muslim Sisterhood” – is. The Sisterhood is an elite unit, not some small group made up of innocent women who don benign-looking hijabs, as portrayed by Der Spiegel. If they started now, it would probably take the White House, western media, and the public in general a decade or more to catch up and realize how ill-equipped they are to deal with it.
The Sisterhood has little to do with the explosive act and firmly believes that the “Pen” is mightier than the “Sword.” It is an extremely active group, consisting of highly educated media icons who speak multiple languages while traveling the globe and wielding influence over several international organizations, from the United Nations to women's advocacy groups. The Sisterhood's membership – Sondos provides the perfect example – includes entire families; male supervisors, along with their activist wives and daughters; spies who've proudly disclosed their past “heroic” acts; Nazi affiliates from the time of the Brotherhood’s inception; Hijab advocacy groups in Europe; prominent doctors that became public figures; and even media moguls who double as conspiracy theorists while serving as cogs in the propaganda war machine.
The Sisterhood fulfills its mission, “to gain and acquire a unified global perception in every nation in the world,” which is not translated by Sondos’ English version of the Ikhwan website. It was established back in 1933, with the help of the group's founder, Lebiba Ahmad. In 2009, Sondos expressed a desire to meet president Obama and wanted him to “open the door for (our) hope to advance political Islam.” (that means Sharia law)
Sondos herself was recently featured in a debate alongside Ibrahim Hudaibi—grandson of the guide, former Muslim Brotherhood leader, Ma'moun Hudaibi, arguing against former deputy Anwar Esmat Sadat and activist Dalia Ziada, Director of the Office of the Organization of American Islamic Congress (OIC) in Cairo. During the debate, Sondos emphasized that, “Islam cannot in any way shape or form be separated from politics,” because in her view, “Islam is a religion and a State.” Americans like Cain, who was right, failed to expose this translated rhetoric; Sondos is a diehard Islamist.
We did months of detailed research to show what women like Sondos do in the Brotherhood. Consider Sisterhood member, Najla Ali Mahmoud; she is the wife of Brotherhood's current leader and candidate for president Mohammed Mursi. There is video of Sondos with Mursi. On Islamonline—one of the Brotherhood’s favorite media outlets, similar to the site for which Sondos' is editor—Mursi dismissed accusations by secular politicians that the group would sideline women and Copts from the political life in post-Mubarak Egypt. “We want everyone to be reassured... that we want to see our Christian brothers elected in parliament,” he said.
However, in Arabic, Mursi says that Egypt needs to ban western dress and that people who believe in “the Trinity” do not possess a “full mental faculty.”
How about the chic Sisterhood French Civilization professor and multi-linguist Zainab Abdulaziz? We translated her Arabic into English. She is an avid conspiracy theorist who uses Nazi style propaganda, including accusations that Vatican II is akin to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. To Zainab, the Vatican is conspiring with the Zionists to “Christianize the Muslim world,” with the goal of “completely uprooting Islam” and “making the Jews innocent from the blood of Jesus.” Al-Marsad, an Islamic media outlet, circulates her propaganda worldwide; that propaganda accuses the Vatican of horrendous and bloody depictions while calling on Muslims to resist Christianization.
Another Sisterhood leader, Zuhair Lzimaili sits on the board of Al-Sabeel Newspaper in Jordan. One of its goals is to “expose the intrusion and assimilation attempts by the Zionist enemy.”
Aida Al-Mutlaq is another infamous Sisterhood leader who provides the details of another Sisterhood conspiracy: “We insist the danger to our national security is the American-Zionist project which aims to destroy our history, civilization and future...” Al-Mutlaq so fears a Zionist conspiracy that she called for reducing the King of Jordan to a figurehead. Prominent attorney and Islamist activist Jawad Younis (Shoebat’s own cousin) is a leading figurehead collaborating with Ahmad Al-Kafwin, member of the Executive Office of the Muslim Brotherhood to overhaul the current Jordanian legal system and is advanced under the guise of “Reformation.”
Similar to what the Nazis did with French General Philippe Pétain in Vichy, France, Al-Mutlaq wants Jordan to become the “fortress and formidable gate to thwart the Zionist agenda, which threatens Jordan... and the entire Arab and Muslim world.”
The interconnections and web of activists can cross any rabbi’s eyes. Take Sisterhood male supervisor Abdullah Alnoshan, the director of the Virginia office of the Muslim World League (MWL), a group that founded Rabita Trust which was initiated by its former General Secretary, the notorious al-Qaeda godfather, Abdullah Omar Naseef, whom Al-Gore gets most of his “moderate” interpretations on Islam and environmentalism. Naseef had close ties with the most intriguing member of the Sisterhood—Saleha Abedin, the mother of Huma Abedin, who works for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as Deputy Chief of Staff. Huma’s mother Saleha is a Sisterhood member who co-founded the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) and partners with Sisterhood member Camellia Helmy, a woman who is also the president of the Islamic Committee for Woman and Child (IICWC).
If your eyes aren’t crossed yet, take a look at the outcry of Helmy and Abedin:
“The Islamic Committee for Woman and Child condemns passing any law that imprisons a husband under the pretext of raping his wife.” (Feb 22, 2009)The “Women’s Committee of the United Nations had declared war on Islam,” they write; they confront the United Nations by accusing it of supporting—wait for it—“Gender Equality.” Saleha Abedin and Camellia Helmy—the latter ran as a candidate for the Sisterhood election—are key figures in the Islamic Committee for Woman and Child, about which Masr (Egypt) newspaper reported: “Our roll is to apply pressure to the United Nations,” said Camellia in an interview with Dr. Muhammad Saidi, in his program entitled, “The Dialogue of Civilizations.” She explained how the Sisterhood works:
“We pressure to stop issues that do not agree with our religious perspective; our main goal is to stop agreements [between nations] and to announce the Islamic position regarding such agreements.”She added...
“The most dangerous of these is an international bill of rights for women (CEDAW) as the most dangerous issue that was ever established.”Camellia explained the roll of the sisterhood as:
“Within the United Nations exists a fifth column…these organizations apply daily pressure on governments which acts like a pincer. From one side the United Nations will apply pressure and from the other side these organizations [Muslim Sisterhood] apply pressure.”There is no need to hunt down and expose fifth columns; they tell the entire Arab world that they are.
Mursi is not Egypt's only religiously bigoted presidential candidate who believes in 9/11 conspiracy theories and doublespeak. In fact, the man who many consider the frontrunner is guilty of both. According to The New Republic, Egyptian presidential candidate and former Muslim Brotherhood member, Abdel Monem Aboul Futuh is another 9/11 Truther who insisted that such a belief is “logical.” We caught Futuh engaging in doublespeak when he, like Sondos at CNN, told an Israeli reporter on camera that he believed in honoring the Camp David peace accord. In Arabic, Futuh even had the audacity to debunk his own words, blaming the report on a conspiracy by one of the other candidates.
Incidentally, Futuh has been endorsed by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Brotherhood leader whose help the Obama administration sought out to broker a deal between the United States and the Taliban.
Westerners when confronting Islamists are too often like archers who eye their targets while holding steady their bows, only to find empty quivers, as the threat grows.
Walid Shoebat is the author For God or For Tyranny
Ben Barrack is a talk show host and author of the upcoming book, Unsung Davids
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