If you'd like some perspective on just how close to where the twin towers once stood is the building that once was the Burlington coat factory - and planned site for the ground zero mosque - this should do it for you. Even if after looking at this photo, you're left with the impression that it's not that close, keep in mind that part of one of the planes penetrated the building. The Cordoba Initiative is about conquest and the priorities of Americans need to change in a hurry - it's red alert.
h/t to Doug Ross
Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The timing is indeed suspicious. On the heels of Barack Obama's endorsement of at least the right of the Cordoba Initiative - mosque at ground zero project headed by Feisal Abdul Rauf - we now have some curious things happening at Rauf's website. In addition to Obama's comments putting the issue even more prominently on the national stage, he also found himself having to backtrack the next day in an attempt to clarify his statements.
The Rosett Report over at Pajamas Media reveals another interesting development. Shortly after Obama's words at the Ramadan dinner celebrated at the White House, the Cordoba Initiative website as of this writing says "website is currently under construction".
The name of the mosque has been changed from "Cordoba House" to "Park 51"; the website for the project appears to be getting scrubbed; and the whereabouts of Rauf during his trip are not being revealed by the State Department, which is funding him.
By letting Americans know where he stands on whether the mosque should be allowed to proceed, Obama is admitting to knowingly putting this country in danger.
This is a big deal - a very big deal.
h/t to Free Republic
The Rosett Report over at Pajamas Media reveals another interesting development. Shortly after Obama's words at the Ramadan dinner celebrated at the White House, the Cordoba Initiative website as of this writing says "website is currently under construction".
Friday evening, after Obama gave his de facto endorsement to Rauf’s Cordoba/Park 51 Ground Zero mosque and Islamic center project, I took another look at the morphing Cordoba Initiative web site, and discovered it now has a note on the main page saying “Website is currently under construction.” (Grab your screenshots now — parts of this site are already sliding down the Memory Hole).Rosett also reports that an extremely questionable photo of Rauf with an Iranian official. It is simply not believable that Obama is not aware of these things. Yet, he dismisses them while endorsing Rauf's right to build the mosque. Then again, Obama wasn't vetted in order to become president. Perhaps he doesn't believe a radical Imam should be vetted either.
What’s going on? Why the vanishings of the Malaysian address, the Rauf-Larijani Iranian connection photo, and the elusive Imam Feisal himself? Have either Obama or Bloomberg made even the smallest effort to inquire about what use will be made, or by whom, of these de facto endorsements they are handing out?
The name of the mosque has been changed from "Cordoba House" to "Park 51"; the website for the project appears to be getting scrubbed; and the whereabouts of Rauf during his trip are not being revealed by the State Department, which is funding him.
By letting Americans know where he stands on whether the mosque should be allowed to proceed, Obama is admitting to knowingly putting this country in danger.
This is a big deal - a very big deal.
h/t to Free Republic
This video is only 38 seconds long but worth the watch. Take note that the color black represents unemployment rates of 10% or higher. Video starts out with January, 2007 and progresses by month and by county through May 2010. For those who see unemployment figures reported consistently but fail to connect the dots, this will definitely put things in the proper perspective. Watch America go black before your eyes. Pay particular attention to California and Michigan but they're not alone.
h/t Flopping Aces
h/t Flopping Aces
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