Here, you are urged and encouraged to run your mouths about something important.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

President-Elect Never Registered with Selective Service?

Looks like president-elect NEVER registered with the Selective Service (a felony) when he was 18.

What's more is Debbie Schlussel is reporting that an FBI agent, using the Freedom of Information Act has obtained what appears to be a FRAUDULENT registration form. Why is it fraudulent? It appears to have been filled out this year!

Check out the link to see why....

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Evidence In Marc Rich Pardon!

If there are any good men left in our government who hold positions of power, you are being called to action.

Why is this new evidence important? Because it involves two individuals president-elect Barack Obama has named as appointees. Hillary Clinton is being nominated as his Secretary of State and Eric Holder is being nominated as his Attorney General.

This evidence could seriously implicate both of them. As the wife of president Clinton and new Senator-elect at the time, Hillary had to have known about this. Eric Holder, as Deputy Atty General was VERY involved in the process of pardoning Marc Rich and it's believable that he may have even known more of the details than Hillary did.

Everyone remembers the flurry of pardons signed by Bill Clinton in the days before he left office in 2001.

Possibly the most egregious one (certainly the most well known) was the pardoning of Marc Rich, who actually renounced his citizenship to escape prosecution while a fugitive..

NOW a witness has come forward with a sworn declaration claiming to have been present in meetings with Denise Rich (Marc's wife) in which she spoke of a fund created by her husband for the sole purpose of granting him a pardon. That fund, according to the sworn declaration was $250 Million and was to get president Clinton to, in effect, buy Rich's freedom.

Click here to listen to the witness give that sworn declaration.

Witness is willing to testify under oath and take a polygraph. The voice has been disguised.

If true, this could mean that Bill Clinton would have accepted a substantial bribe to exercise executive powers to free a very bad dude..

Lest we not forget, Mr. Clinton also pardoned members from the FALN and Weather Underground (yes, Bill Ayers' gang) terrorist groups. Does this sworn declaration call into question Mr. Clinton's motives with regard to those idividuals as well?

Here's more information on the sworn declaration from Doug Ross' site...


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Sarah Palin and Turkeygate

Just in time for Thanksgiving ..... Flippin' Hilarious! As Sarah Palin is being interviewed whiled holding a cup of Starbucks coffee, the cameraman made sure to include a man systematically killing turkeys in the background (more funny than graphic).

Clip is about 3 minutes long and the "Turkey Killer" is awesome! Video starts out with him actually holding a limp turkey in the "funnel of death" but about halfway through the interview you get to see how he has to deal with a flailing turkey..

Of course, the NY Times has already denounced the Alaskan Governor for choosing such a spot for an interview.. Can't you imagine someone from the far left asking her how she could possibly drink coffee with that going on behind her?

To which she'd likely respond, "gulp".

Video below.

NOTE: Keep your eye on the "turkey killer". Without him, this would have been an uneventful and innocuous interview. With him, it's video for the annals of history.

Poll of Obama supporters

Try and see if you can find the poll Zogby did after the election. He questioned 512 Obama supporters. Most of them had some amount of college education.

52% couldn't say which party was in charge of congress.
82% didn't know Obama started his political compaigns in a home of W. U.
87% knew Sarah Palin had $150,000 worth of cloths bought for her.
92% knew she said she could see Alaska from her home when it was Tina Faye who said that on SNL.


Bottom line - they knew nothing about Obama and everything about how dumb Palin was because that is what the media told them.

Friday, November 21, 2008

This time Ayers merits the Billy Madison clip

William Ayers actually said at a book signing this week that he wished he had dedicated his book to all 2.1 million prisoners instead of singling out Sirhan Sirhan. He then said we should abolish all prisons.

The clip I'm going to play on the next show (below) starts with Ayers spewing that nonsense followed by the game show host on Billy Madison...


Monday, November 17, 2008

Here are some dots to connect:

Dot 1. Larry Grathwohl was the only successful FBI Informant to penetrate Weather Underground (William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn). In 1982, he recalls a meeting with WU leaders (Ayers among them), in which re-education camps were discussed. It was estimated that 25 million people who couldn't be re-educated would have to be killed.

Here's Grathwohl in 1982:

(his status as the only FBI informant to penetrate WU is backed up by New York Times and Time Magazine among others)

Dot 2. Ayers and Dorhn are Un-repentent and as recently as 2002, Ayers said he considers himself a marxist and an anarchist while being "VERY OPEN" about it.

Here's a link to that 2002 interview:

Dot 3. The relationship between Obama and Ayers is much closer than anyone on the left wants to admit. In fact, they shared a business address (with Maoist Communist Mike Klonsky) for three years (1995-1998) at 115 South Sangamon St. (3rd floor) in Chicago.

Here are screen shots of the building, websites, letters, and tax returns that prove it:

Dot 4. Community Organizing was founded by a man named Saul Alinsky in Chicago. A man whose model of Community Organizing is what Barack Obama followed. Alinsky also dedicated his last book to Lucifer. Something else of note here. Hillary Clinton was from Chicago and apparently also revered Alinsky, writing her senior thesis on him.

Dot 5. Alinsky is attributed with the founding of "radicalism" and would no doubt be proud of William Ayers, a professed marxist and anarchist. That puts the Clintons, Obamas, and Ayers collectively closer to Saul Alinsky.

Dot 6. In 1999, Bill Clinton signed off on a contract with Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg, Brown, and Root (KBR) on a series of one year optional contracts (which Bush consequently continued) to have detention camps built all across the United States in the event of "an emergency influx of immigrants in the U.S., or to support the rapid development of new programs."

Here's the link to the "liberal" San Francisco Chronicle article from 2/4/08 (also take note of the reference to rail cars and shackles):

Since Bush was the one in office, I'm assuming their fears were about him. Now that he's leaving and all of these detention camps sit empty, are they still concerned?

Dot 7. Remember Dot #1. Grathwohl said he was present when he heard Weather Underground Leadership say they wanted to build "Re-education centers" and that millions of capitalists would have to be "eliminated". I take you to just before Bill Clinton left office. Included in his flurry of pardons were two people serving VERY LONG sentences for their crimes while members of the WEATHER UNDERGROUND.

Here's the link to the January 21, 2001 article in the NEW YORK TIMES:

For the record, Linda Evans personally took part in the bombing of the U.S. Capitol and Clinton pardoned her!

Dot 8. This past July, Barack Obama gave a speech advocating a "civilan police force", meant to be as strong as the military.

Remember those detention camps all across the country? Still empty despite more illegal aliens and terrorists in our country than ever before.

Dot 9. Rahm Emanuel, the man Barack Obama made his Chief of Staff, wrote a book in 2006 called, "The Plan" in which he advocates mandatory civilian service for everyone between the ages of 18-26.

Dot 10. The unthinkable?

AP poll: Public seems willing to wait on tax cuts

Unreal, looks like the Associated Press is already starting to cover up for this guy and he is not even the president yet. This is just the beginning. The media is going to be very busy for the next 4 years covering this man’s back !

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Despite assurance, Obama ALREADY planning to meet with HAMAS

In an interview published Tuesday in the London-based Al-Hayat, Dr. Ahmad Yousef, political adviser to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, said senior Hamas figures had held a secret meeting with advisers to Barack Obama in Gaza before the U.S. elections.

Throughout his campaign Obama’s official line was that he would “only talk with Hamas if it renounces terrorism, recognizes Israel’s right to exist, and agrees to abide by past agreements.”

Yet Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal responded to Obama’s win on an optimistic note, telling Australia’s Sky News on Saturday that his organization was “ready for dialogue with President Obama and with the new American administration with an open mind.”

On Saturday night, though, Obama’s senior foreign policy coordinator Denis McDonough seemed to hold the fort, deflecting Mashaal’s amiability by reiterating Obama’s three-part formula for making Hamas acceptable.

For those who don’t want America to have dealings with an Islamist terror organization like Hamas, that may have sounded reassuring. But now it seems it may be too soon to feel reassured.

According to Yousef in the Al-Hayat interview, the Obama-Hamas talks were already ongoing during the U.S. election campaign: “We were in contact with a number of Obama’s aides through the Internet, and later met with some of them in Gaza, but they advised us not to reveal this information as it may influence the elections or become manipulated by McCain’s campaign.”

Yousef also claimed he personally had friendly relations with some of Obama’s advisers and that “Haniyeh will draft a congratulatory letter to Obama for his victory.”

Yousef added: “The policy Obama will instate in the Middle East will differ from that of his predecessor George W. Bush, although it is clear that the region and the Palestinian issue will not be at the top of his agenda. [Obama] will focus more on the economic crisis, Iraq, and Afghanistan.”

A clash between Obama’s public, anodyne, mainstream statements and behind-the-scenes activities of a different nature would confirm the fears of those concerned about Obama’s history of association with radical people and ideologies.

A ink to the blog:

A ink to the actual article:

Kenyan Thug wants Obama Payback

Last month, Investigative reporter Jerome Corsi was detained by Kenyan officials just before he was about to hold a press conference that was intended to reveal his findings about Obama. Radical Islamist and bad dude Raila Odinga is now saying he wants "favors" from the U.S. under an Obama presidency.

Keep an eye on U.S. / Kenyan relationships as we move forward..

Guess Who is on Short List for Attorney General?


Yes, the same Jamie Gorelick responsible for building the "Intelligence Wall" between the CIA and the FBI that many credit for the most glaring failures leading to 9/11.

AND the same Jamie Gorelick who served as Vice Chairwoman at Fannie Mae between 1998-2003, earning over $25 million!

Surreal and Macabre doesn't even begin to describe what we're witnessing.

Hitler Youth Sees America Going in same direction

Yes, he's selling a book but he was also there and part of the Nazi rise. I'd say that gives him some credibility. At least it should. And so what if he is selling a book, why would / should that take away from the message he is sending?

"Every day brings this nation closer to a Nazi-style totalitarian abyss," writes Hilmar von Campe, now a U.S. citizen, and author of "Defeating the Totalitarian Lie: A Former Hitler Youth Warns America."
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