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Monday, August 24, 2009


Matthew Vadum has a hard-hitting piece in the American Spectator that outlines what Barack Obama wants to do to 9/11. He wants to transform it into something else through a task master known as "Reverend" Lennox Yearwood (Pictured second from right in the photo taken in front of the White House on August 4th).

As the man in charge of the "Green the Block" campaign and head of the "Hip Hop Caucus", it is apparently a requirement to keep your hip hop hat UN-centered when wearing it (see photo). Vadum reports that on August 11th, Yearwood led a teleconference call in which the following was discussed:
Yearwood and other leaders kept saying repeatedly that they wanted 9/11 to be used for something "positive," "forward-leaning," and "productive," said a source with knowledge of the teleconference.
Great idea. How about we start using it to identify the enemies that attacked us?

But alas, that is apparently not what Obama, and by extension, Lennox Yearwood means.
The president signed into law a measure in April that designated Sept. 11 as a National Day of Service, but it's not likely many lawmakers thought this meant that day was going to be turned into a celebration of ethanol, carbon emission controls, and radical community organizing.
Of course we're learning that community organizing can only be celebrated when those involved agree with the Community Org in Chief (see town halls).

After 9/11, America made a commitment to never lose its resolve. If the Obama administration is choosing to transform the meaning of that day and we allow it, not only are we losing our resolve but we're willfully replacing it with lies and conscious ignorance. Vadum reports on how Yearwood and company plan to quicken the transformation and it involves a faulty premise - that 9/11 is currently a day of fear.
The plan is to turn a "day of fear" that helps Republicans into a day of activism called the National Day of Service that helps the left. In other words, nihilistic liberals are planning to drain 9/11 of all meaning.
Day of fear? No one likes fear. Who wouldn't want to jettison fear from the meaning of any day? The only reason for it to be a day of fear is to be ignorant of the day's meaning, which is what is being done. The less something is understood, the greater potential there is to fear it. So how does forgetting what 9/11 represents reduce fear? It doesn't. It will exacerbate it.

Be sure to read VADUM'S ENTIRE PIECE.

And you thought 9/11 was supposed to mark a day that will live in infamy. No, you silly. It's National Service Day.


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