Come on. Any column that starts out with this has GOT to be the work of a severely misguided individual:
Here are some thoughts from a guy who realizes how much the country misses the leadership of Bill Clinton.The "leadership" Saternow speaks of apparently reared its head this week when Bill Clinton went to North Korea and so "courageously" rescued two of Allegory's journalists from Kim Jong Il. Lost on Saternow is the fact that we have a Community Org in Chief who loves distractions. The timing of this Jesse Jackson styled rescue is suspicious in that the two women were captured in March and Bill Clinton is sent over there just as the August recess and a passionate health care debate kicked into gear. Having media attention focused on North Korea was definitely better politically for Obama than was the alternative of the health care debate.
Then, in typical liberal moral equivalency, Saternow compares how we treat prisoners at Guantanamo Bay with how Kim Jong Il treats innocent citizens whose hellish living conditions he's responsible for creating.
But how many people does the United States have locked up at Gitmo, accused of terrorism, who might actually be innocent? When people are held without trial, that is one of the things that should scare anyone who believes in human rights.If anyone wants to know why journalism is dying in America, just read a Lynn Saternow column. He has all this concern for the "human" rights of pond scum enemy combatants (lower than POW's) while apparently remaining willfully oblivious to Obama calling on citizens to report fellow citizens who disagree with his health care plan TO THE WHITE HOUSE for having the unmitigated gall to disagree.
We are upset about what North Korea did, but in a way we are doing the same thing.
Not to be outdone by his own earlier paragraphs, Saternow gives Obama a "thumbs up" so far.
One of his greatest abilities is to surround himself with people who can help the country rather than just be loyal “yes-men” or “yes-women.” That’s why his use of Bill and Hillary Clinton to answer the needs of the U.S. is extremely wise.Really? We're talking about a president who has a record number of failed cabinet nominations. In fact, the number of appointees who had to withdraw has set a new low heretofore unimagined. How about a short list of a few of those failed nominees:
Gov. Bill Richardson (D-NM): Under Grand Jury Investigation for trading New Mexico gov't contracts for campaign contributions.
Tom Daschle: Had to withdraw from the Health Secretary appointment due to cheating on his taxes. This, despite saying in 1998, "tax cheaters cheat us all, and the IRS should enforce our laws to the letter." Mr. Saternow, can you say, "hypocrisy"?
Nancy Killefer: Selected to be the Chief Performance Officer in charge of making sure gov't waste is cleaned up. Withdrew with tax problems.

Charles Freeman: Possibly Obama's most egregious selection. Tapped as the head of the Director of the National Intelligence Council, Freeman actually said the following about the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989: "I do not belive it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normanl functions of government." Then again, he looked to blame America for causing 9/11. Ah, the same kind of moral equivalency that you seem all too willing to engage in, Mr. Saternow.
To top all of that, we have Timothy Geithner heading the group that oversees the IRS. Wouldn't you think it would be pretty important for Obama to select someone who didn't cheat on his taxes to head such an agency? I know, Mr. Saternow. Those pesky details and facts always seem to get in the way of a good ideologically slanted paradigm. Shucks. You discard reality quite well though. If you'd like to construe that as a compliment, feel free I guess.
How about Eric Holder? After the Justice Department wins a default judgment against the New Black Panther Party which had thugs at a polling station in Philadelphia on November 4, 2008 intimidating voters (one had a billy club), Holder's Justice Dept. suddenly drops the charges. At his confirmation hearing, Holder said he learned some valuable lessons from the Marc Rich pardon when he (Holder) was Deputy Atty. General under Bill Clinton. I guess one of those lessons wasn't levying actual justice.
Quoting Saternow again:
One of his (Obama's) greatest abilities is to surround himself with people who can help the country rather than just be loyal “yes-men” or “yes-women.” That’s why his use of Bill and Hillary Clinton to answer the needs of the U.S. is extremely wise.You are aware that Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath, right Mr. Saternow?
How about an accounting of all those Czars Obama has appointed without congressional oversight or approval? 44 and counting. Have you stopped to wonder how many of them would have to withdraw (some like Car Czar Steve Rattner already have) if they were actually accountable to congress instead of to Obama exclusively?
Mr. Saternow provides a microcosm of why journalism has died in America. He also appears to be at best a Socialist and at worst a Marxist.
Check out Saternow's ENTIRE PIECE OF DRECK.
h/t to BARRACKAID #2
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