Small problem. Ron Bloom is a union guy with strong connections to the SEIU. He also negotiated for the United Steel Workers (USW). Putting a union guy in charge of job creation is like putting a dog in charge of your garbage. Respectively, both jobs and garbage mysteriously vanish.
Check out what the WALL STREET JOURNAL had to say about Bloom back in February.
Both inside and outside the USW, Mr. Bloom is known as a financially savvy negotiator — with a tendency to spout profanities. In a 2007 article depicting Mr. Bloom’s role in the Wheeling-Pittsburgh Corp. takeover battle, The Wall Street Journal wrote some USW members thought Mr. Bloom is “too cozy with the moneymen.”My personal favorite in this article is the term, "Union-friendly" when referring to a company called Esmark. Note where Esmark is from.
The USW helped block Brazilian steel giant CSN’s attempt to merge with Wheeling-Pitt by finding a more union-friendly bidder in Esmark — a Chicago upstart that got bought by Russia’s OAO Severstal in 2008.You know it's bad when loyal union members are skeptical of their negotiator. What to do, what to do? Make him a Czar in the Obama Administration! The inherent premise behind unions is control through bully tactics and ultimately killing its members' golden goose.
Leave it to Chicago to be home to a "union-friendly" company. Doesn't such a moniker warrant further probing into why Esmark would be so "union-friendly"? Curiously though, you wouldn't know where ESMARK is located by visiting their website as they don't list a mailing address, phone number, or even an email address.

A former vice president of Lazard Freres & Co. LLC, Bloom was a restructuring expert for the U.S. Steelworkers. In his new position, Bloom will work with the National Economic Council, and the Departments of Commerce, Treasury, Energy, and Labor.The U.S. Steelworkers? Can anyone point to a productive result of their endeavors? Unions are about seizing control of workers and imposing limits on management. Profit for the company is merely a secondary concern (despite Union bosses' income stream coming indirectly from those profits in the form of dues earned by its members who pay those dues directly from their earnings). Incidentally, individual workers' earnings come in return for contributions they make in the form of labor toward the efforts of the company to earn a profit. Do the math. As the economy contracts, there are less union workers available to pay dues. As company profits decrease, so do union dues. Then again, union advocates understand where money comes from about as much as Democrats do. That fact explains perfectly why they're allies.
Tapper includes an excerpt from Bloom's statement about his new position.
"A strong manufacturing sector is a cornerstone of American competitiveness and a critical part of President Obama’s economic strategy. As we meet the challenges of globalization and technological change, it is vital to have a concerted effort across the Administration to support an innovative, vibrant manufacturing sector.”Remember that in the eyes of union bosses, a strong manufacturing sector includes union dues and limits being placed upon managers and workers. The result is decreased output and a heirarchy in which the union bosses' concerns are strongly considered by the man soon to be in charge of creating jobs.
Gee, I wonder what kind of jobs we can start expecting to see created.
HELP WANTED: Thugs needed to physically intimidate those who disagree with us. Salary comensurate with experience and paid by those you will be intimidating. SIGN UP TODAY!
I thought unions were created by the workers, for the workers, to protect from low wages and inhumane hours. Ooops I forgot the part about the Mafia and the business owners agreeing to allow unions to gain ultimate socialist control over the workers to increase market manipulation through increased rules and beauracracies. Dues are another name for taxes!
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