The MIAMI HERALD reports:
It's been 89 days since Manuel Zelaya was booted from power. He's sleeping on chairs, and he claims his throat is sore from toxic gases and "Israeli mercenaries'' are torturing him with high-frequency radiation.Micheletti has got to be laughing out loud. In fact, I understand that shortly after it was discovered that Zelaya was inside the Brazilian embassy, loud speakers were placed outside the building. I'm not sure if they're still there but a recording of Micheletti laughing on a continuous loop would be a great addition to the play list.
"We are being threatened with death,'' he said in an interview with The Miami Herald, adding that mercenaries were likely to storm the embassy where he has been holed up since Monday and assassinate him.

Then again, maybe Honduran officials are lying.
Witnesses said that for a short time Tuesday morning, soldiers used a device that looked like a large satellite dish to emit a loud shrill noise.When Zelaya first arrived in Honduras, it was a source of great concern for many who are in support of Micheletti but with these developments, the only radioactivity that may be inside that embassy is emanating from Zelaya and potentially keeping his supporters away.
Honduran police spokesman Orlin Cerrato said he knew nothing of any radiation devices being used against the former president.
"He says there are mercenaries against him? Using some kind of apparatus?'' Cerrato said. ``No, no, no, no. Sincerely: no. The only elements surrounding that embassy are police and military, and they have no such apparatus.''
With words like the ones coming out of Zelaya's mouth while inside the Brazilian embassy, it's quite possible he may find himself under the Obama bus soon.
Other suggestions for the playlist:
Beatles' White Album
Jewish Folk Songs
Twilight Zone Music
Continual loop of Six Million Dollar man's bionic eye in action.
h/t to DRUDGE
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