Yesterday in a speech for the Media Access Project, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chief Diversity Officer Mark Lloyd claimed to refute numerous what he called “exaggerations and distortions” of a wide range of his thoughts, positions and policy prescriptions from what he called a “right-wing smear campaign.” What Lloyd did was offer numerous falsehoods and denials about things that are undeniably true.The culture of the left revealed again and again and again. They spew lies and deny they said them even when presented to them in cold hard evidential form. Yet, as in the case of climate change, they accuse those who so much as question them of being "deniers" even when caught manipulating data and calling for destruction of emails.
For example, Lloyd has insisted that a "right-wing smear campaign" was "distorting [his] views about the First Amendment" when in fact, in his 2006 book "Prologue to a Farce," Lloyd plainly made clear his view that the freedoms of speech and press were "all too often an exaggeration" and that "the purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance."
Brent Bozell released a statement about Lloyd's claims that he is the victim of a "smear campaign".
Check it out HERE.
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