And you thought the only 'no-fly' zone was in Iraq. Nope. There appears to be a new one over a huge swath of water in the Gulf of Mexico that just so happens to be the general vicinity of the oil spill that continues to billow from a mile beneath the surface.

Doug Ross, the apparent reason for this new restiction is implied, not explicitly stated. Only government approved flights, which are intended to help with the effort may be permitted in the area. Left out was that other reason - the embarrassment to an incompetent administration of people seeing the massive oil slick from the sky.
Perhaps even more suspicious is the blocking of GIS data, which provides maps of the oil spill's size and location. It is apparently being blocked behind a BP firewall. Read about that at the bottom of the Doug Ross
post.Taken separately, one might at least ponder the notion that air space needs to be clear for the purpose of the clean-up effort. Shortly there after, that pondering would be followed by a "Nah". Even if it weren't, the blocking of GIS data only serves as added evidence that the claim immediately becomes bogus.
More at
Doug Ross
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