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Sunday, July 12, 2009

Democrat Congressman Backtracks on Honduras

A Congressman in New York who roundly criticized the de facto government of Honduras for ousting its president, Manuel Zelaya, appears to be reassessing his position. Eliot Engel (D-NY) also chairs a House subcommittee that oversees Honduras.

Here are Engel's comments on June 29th, one day after Zelaya was removed from office:
I strongly condemn the removal of President Zelaya and believe that he should be reinstated without delay.
Here is Engel on Friday, July 10th:
When the entire political establishment speaks and expresses dire concerns, the President needed to listen. From everything I can see, he did not.

The Hill has the full story (h/t to Hot Air)

So what changed? Not sure, but it's pretty sad that a politician starts reporting on both sides of a story before the Mainstream Media Does.

Guess who else appears to be speaking on behalf of the sitting Honduran government?

Lanny Davis???
As The Hill reported Friday, the Honduran branch of CEAL, the Latin American equivalent of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, has hired Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe to lobby on its behalf in Washington.

Firm partner Lanny Davis, a former special counsel to President Bill Clinton and supporter of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential run, is representing CEAL and testified at Engel’s hearing Friday.

In his opening statement, Davis said his client supports the mediation process but that “they believe that no one is above the law — including the President — under the Honduran Constitution, just as no one is above the law under the U.S. Constitution.”

Davis is a Clintonite and Obama earlier this week dragged Hillary into the fray to deal with the Honduran Hot Potato. If nothing else, Lanny Davis speaking out against Zelaya could prove a liability for Obama considering the TOTUS is on record as calling it a "coup" that is "not legal".

The international deck has been stacked overwhelmingly in Zelaya's favor since he was ousted. That appears to be changing (if ever so slightly) as sitting President Micheletti continues to stand his ground. As more and more people learn the real story in Honduras, I think we'll see Obama back away completely at some point.

A lie makes it halfway around the world before the truth can get its pants on.

- Winston Churchill

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