Nope, the case was dropped back in May. Outrageous but not all that surprising when you consider Eric 'we're a nation of cowards on things racial' Holder is running things over there. The decision to drop this case is SO outrageous that identifying who made it has been more than a little difficult.
But the WASHINGTON TIMES has apparently done so and it is the Associate Attorney General Thomas J. Perrelli. However, there are still layers of the onion resistent to peeling.
From the Times....
While the Obama administration has vowed a new era of openness, department officials have refused to answer questions from Republican members of Congress on why the case was dismissed, claiming the information was "privileged, according to congressional correspondence with the department.Can you say, "Transparency"? Here's more...
Rep. Frank R. Wolf, Virginia Republican and a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee who has raised questions about the case, said he also was prevented from interviewing the front-line lawyers who brought the charges.
"Why am I being prevented from meeting with the trial team on this case? Mr. Wolf asked. "There are many questions that need to be answered. This whole thing just stinks to high heaven."
The department also has yet to provide any records sought by The Times under a Freedom of Information Act request filed in May seeking documents detailing the decision process. Department officials also declined to answer whether any outside groups had raised concerns about the case or pressured the department to drop it.As usual, "no comment" often equates to "no leg to stand on".. You mean like the NAACP inserting itself into the case before it was dropped?
Kristen Clarke, director of political participation at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund in Washington, however, confirmed to The Times that she talked about the case with lawyers at the Justice Department..Isn't it all so interesting? I guess transparency is possible but it's not voluntarily given.
MICHELLE MALKIN has been all over this story from the beginning and I'm convinced she has contributed to getting Perrelli's name made public with her constant pressure.
As a refresher....
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